Chapter Six | Ice Cream

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Chapter Six | Ice Cream 

       My alarm clock starts to ring and I groan. I grab the pillow I'm hugging and hit my alarm clock. Hearing the sound of it crashing to the floor, I let out a sigh as it shuts up. I bury my head into my pillow and try to get some sleep again. After a several minutes of tossing and turning, I decide to just sit up and read a book.

       Ever since my fight with Dean a week ago, I stayed in bed most of the time. The only time I ever leave the house is to jog around because it gets a little suffocating at home. Dean and I didn't talk at all. We didn't see each other, too. I only saw him once and that was just his back. Every time I so much as think of Dean, my heart hurts and it feels like I'm going to collapse. Emotional pain hurts a lot.

       As every day passes, the more I miss Dean. John doesn't even cross my mind anymore. He's history, but sometimes I wonder if I actually did like him. Maybe it was all infatuation. I got over him almost immediately, thanks to a certain someone.

       Ever since I heard Dean say that he loves me, or loved me (I don't know anymore), it's always on my mind. I can see his angry face. The tone he used when he said it, which was pretty scary, but what hurt the most was when he just walked away and left me there. Alone. In the dark. To wipe my own tears and to lean on my own shoulder.

       I shake my head clear of the thoughts. It's too early in the morning to cry about anything. I head to the kitchen and start eating a banana, only finishing half of it and leaving the rest on the counter for whoever wants to finish it. My appetite went away and I don't eat as much as I used to. Food just didn't really seem so appetizing for me anymore.

       My mom walks in the kitchen and stares at me with a worried look. After a while, she breaks the silence. "Claire, are you going to work today?" She asks as she grabs a mug and fills it up with coffee.

I shake my head. I think it's pretty clear that I'm staying home today. I didn't go to work all week and I look horrible. My eyes are a little puffy and my eye bags can make me pass as a zombie. My hair is all tangled, and I got skinnier and paler. I guess it's pretty obvious that losing your best friend is worse than losing a boyfriend.

       "Are you all right?" My mom asks with a worried look.

       I sigh. Isn't it obvious, mom? Instead, I just nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Great," I say in a monotone voice.  My mom knows I'm lying but she doesn't press further. I still didn't tell her what happened. She knows John and I were dating though. 

        She sighs. "You know, Claire, if you want someone to talk to, I'm always here."  

        "Okay. . ." That's a first.   I nod and walk back up to my room, locking myself there for who knows how long. 

        I spend the day watching movies on my laptop, being lazy, and just thinking about how much shit happened in just one day. I mean, the timing was just so great. (Insert sarcasm here).   

        When the clock strikes five pm, I get up from bed and stretch my muscles. I go get my running clothes and hydrate myself with water. Since watching movies was starting to get boring, I just decided to go jogging.   

        Going outside the house, I take a deep breath and just absorb everything. The fresh air feels great and the heat is okay. It's a pretty nice time for a jog. I pass a bunch of houses and as usual, they all look empty even if they're not. I pass a couple shops and when I run by the park, I see a familiar face.   

        Looking closer, the smiling face of John becomes clearer. To his left, Hazel's holding his hand and they're both smiling and laughing at something one of them said. I stare at them for a while, thinking to myself, Wow, John, that was quick. It's only been a week and you already got together.   

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