Chapter Eight | The Night

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Chapter Eight | The Night

       Ever since this morning, I've been jittery and jumpy. I can't stay still. I didn't even have the appetite to eat lunch so I ended up just taking a bite out of a burger. Why did Dean have to ask me out so early? 

        The last customer for the day leaves and I run to the front of the shop to flip the closing sign on the door. I clean up the shop a bit before packing up and locking up. Waiting outside the shop, I wonder about what Dean planned tonight. I mean, it's pretty late already. 

        A couple minutes pass and I hear the sounds of footsteps apprpaching. Turning around, I flash a bright smile and say, "Dean!" 

        "Um, no. It's Seth," he answers with a nervous smile. 

        My smile drops and I look away, my cheeks pink from embarrassment. Isn't Dean supposed to pick me up? "Why are you here?" I ask after I muster up some courage.

        "I'm your escort, my lady," he says and bows. Extending his arm out, I take it and we start walking. 

        "How did Dean get you to get me anyway?" I ask.

        He laughs. "He didn't have to do anything. He's my friend and he's doing it for his girl. I know he would do the same for me."

        I blush. He just called me Dean's girl. "Where are we going?"

        "To the theater."

        "Isn't it supposed to be closing soon?"

        Seth smiles and shrugs. "I don't know," he says, obviously lying. 

        I raise an eyebrow and decide to drop the subject. After all, I like surprises. Unless it's a bad one then I hate them.

        We stop in front of the movie theater. It looks quite old because it is. It's big and gray. There aren't much windows and it doesn't look exciting, but it's still a nice place to go. Besides, it's the only theater in town.

        "This is my stop," Seth declares and I drop my arm. "Have fun, Claire!"

        Smiling, I wave at him and go inside. 

        The scent of popcorn fills the cold air and I take a look around. I guess I didn't know what to expect, probably decorations or flowers around the place because of Dean. But no, it's the same. The baige walls are still there with movie posters on it. The red carpeted floor has no petals or trail to lead me to wherever I'm supposed to go. 

        My eyes wander around and lock on to a familiar pair of brown eyes. I start to grin like an idiot as I walk toward Dean. I look at him and oh my gosh, he looks hot. His brown hair is slightly messy and his navy blue shirt fits him just right. I could see his toned arms from his sleeves. His dark jeans also go with his shirt. To sum it up, he looks perfect. 

        Dean grins and says, "You look gorgeous." 

        I blush hard. For the date, I decided to wear a peach dress with pink floral prints on it. There's a pink ribbon around the waist and from the waist up, it's snug fit while the skirt fluffs up. "You too," I reply.

        He laughs and says, "Come on, the movie's about to start."

        He takes my hand and a chill runs down my back. We go inside the theater and sit down in the middle, the perfect spot to watch a movie in a theater. He gets the popcorn which is beside his seat and puts a drink between us. 

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