Chapter 3 | Chained Up

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Autumn Pov

The silver chains laid thick over the wrists of Genesis's form. The sizzling of flesh from our wrists felt like mere pricks of a needle as I endured the pain that Genesis was undeserving of, the poor girl had already been through so much and if that meant enduring the pain that I had become so used to, to allow her to rest; then so be it.

I sensed Genesis's presence in the back of my mind and offered to support her more, protect her. A silent question, asking Gen if she was okay alone in the back of her own mind while I took the lead. Like every other time I asked, she told me to stay in control. I tried once more lifting the paw of my own wolf form in her mind to offer her a helping paw to help let her take back control.

I did enjoy being in control, as all wolves do. But in the world of supernatural and humans combined I had come to the conclusion if I want to fit into society and understand the things around me I need Gen to take the lead sometimes.

As an added worry if Gen doesn't take control back soon she may loose herself to me and we might become one, where the only thing to remember Genesis is the soft skin and silky hair of her human form. While the rest of her body will shift to take on an appearance that more suits my 'character'.

She denied my paw and let a hand float behind her in a silent plead of me to not go any closer to her crumbling form. Her hair drifted behind her in a silky trance and I watched it before turning around, sobs echoing around me as she continued to let out her hearts rage and sadness.

Nothing I could do but listen.

I let my eyes roam over the cell, the old cement and crusted vents seemed nothing new to every dungeon. Cracks in the walls let me know that the structure was becoming unstable, with small flecks of dust falling from the ceiling every couple of moments. Water had built up in one corner of the ceiling, dripping down the corner of the room to a building puddle in the corner, moss surrounding the moisture.

A cockroach scurried from the back of the cell, tiny legs scampering across the damp ground. It went over dirt and tiny rocks with ease, passing by my kneeled legs and staring up into my eyes. The cockroach stared at me with an unwavering gaze, antennae flicking side to side as it sensed its surroundings to ease itself and seek its own safety. I merely returned its gaze with the golden glow of my eyes, nose beginning to twitch from the building dust in the room, sweat had begun to build on my body in the stuffy prison.

Soon enough I shook my legs and the tiny insect scurried away in fear returning to its darkness and escaping through a small hole under the cell bars. Leaving me alone once agin to be with my thoughts.

I stared ahead once more. I looked through the cell bars to catch sight a guard outside walking the halls but staying purposely closer to mine, he stared at me as I stared at him.

"Must you seek something?" I asked softly to the man, my voice small and cracked since my throat had been deprived of water.

The man quirked an eyebrow at me, glancing to his left and his right before returning his attention to my naked form.

"What do you believe I seek?" He asked, a smirk playing on his tiny lips as his rusted hair danced and framed his face. His jeans and t-shirt making him seem even less like a 'guard'.

I stared at the man longer, his eyes held secrets and tears. Brown orbs connected with my own golden ones and we stayed like that for a while. His back story was tragic I could see the destruction in his eyes without seeking it.

"You seek the truth of the afterlife." I told the man before leaning back, letting the chains keep me from falling as I stretched my neck and spine until a satisfying crack came through the air.

"The afterlife is bullshit." He growled out at me, anger slipping into his tone after being so care free.

"You should know." I replied leaning back up to connect with his brown eyes and pushing myself closer towards him as far as the chains would let me.

"You died the day your mate did." I told him no emotion on my face or in my voice.

His face constricted into rage and he ran at the bars, crashing into them letting out a loud clanking of metal throughout the dungeon. He reached his hands through the faces and attempted to reach me but I was placed near the back of this cage and his dainty hands were no match to reach me.

Soon his skin began to sizzle and he shot back. Blinded from his rage he forgot the bars were made of silver. I quirked and eyebrow as he held his hands in front of him watching them sizzle and bubble; his eyes locked onto mine and I could tell I had brought out the wolf in him as his eyes became blacker and his mouth turned further into a snarl.

"I'll kill you!" He yelled as he ran for the cell door and kicked it open, ultimately breaking the lock in the process.

Weak lock...

The man charged with his hands outstretched, all training and technique thrown at the window as his wolf would stop at nothing to have me in his grasp, murder me.

He grasped my throat with thick hands, sweaty from stress and the humid air of this prison.

But as soon as his hands were on my throat, they were gone; I grasped his wrists and pulled them down, forcing him to collapse on the ground before I stepped on the bones, breaking them in two. He crumpled and pulled both wrists to his chest curling his body around the broken bones, his scream echoed in the halls and he lay crumpled on the ground like an idiot as I stepped over him merely without having broken a sweat.

"Dumb Bitch!" He screamed.

If I was so dumb how did I just escape with ease?

What that man had failed to realise in the rage of being told his mate was dead that he had ultimately given me the key as I pulled them from his belt as he strangled me in a weak grip as I undid my chains and let them drop to my side before making my fantastic escape.

Genesis stared at me from the back of our mind.

Soft brown eyes stared into my bright golden ones.

She turned away and faced the darkness once again before stroking her hair and biting her nails to occupy herself in the darkness.

I sighed in real time and continued through the horribly lit halls and to what I assume to be the exit of the dying dungeon.

No other prisoners were in the cells; these prison cubicles obviously were under maintained which must be the reason for the lock to break so quickly. Spiders climbed over walls and cockroaches lined the floors before running in between cracks in the broken cemented prison.

I felt cold as I walked through the dungeon.

I placed my hands around my waist and hugged myself covering my 'private parts' and using my hair to cover my boobs, our hair hadn't been well maintained and it was knotty and long reaching just above my belly button.

I was surprised at the lack of security here, this was meant to be a well maintained pack. Having a prisoner with only one guard is quite immature.

But I let the thoughts leave me as I focussed on finding my apparent 'mate' to discuss what we must do, I knew that Genesis (if having her way) would reject the man immediately but his wolf and I have already built a bond (even if we are yet to communicate or see each other) to tear us apart would kill us both and Genesis would be forced into control.

So I wonder what is more important to Genesis.

Staying out of control? Or staying away from our mate?

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