oops, i dropped my piano in the ocean. [1]

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"I hear the sound of rain as I run through the hurricane. I felt the water taking over my body and sounds
d i d n' t
                        e  x i s t  
f  o r  
           m e 
                         a  n y m o r e. "


I can't breathe.

I feel the thoughts and screams rushing into my head in a
blur of noises that try and reach my ear to have their attempts
end in utter failure.

The sounds and waves drown me slowly as I try to reach for meaning.

-wait, why can't I move?
My arms are stiff and my fingers lay,
tainted with anxiety on the keys of a piano.

I face an audience, fear stained.
I have no breaths to offer my mouth or lungs. The air has blocked my eyes and distorted my reality.

Deep under an ocean, drowning in a lake? No, caught in a tsunami.
Bodies of water keep changing each time.

I close my eyes.

The cold wind hits my face as my eyes are pried open by the sound of screaming silence.
Yes, I just wake up unexpectedly each morning without need of any sound, in the cold and in darkness.
I check my phone near my pillow.
3:46AM it read,
Fairly early, you might think? It's almost 4:00AM. It's unusually late for me.
I do often wake up in the middle of the night with ice cold feet and sweaty palms. I slowly get out of bed and my feet land on ice, as cold as the floor was, I wouldn't have been surprised if it were real ice. I walk towards my bathroom, switching on the light and staring at my reflection.


I sigh lightly and splash my face with water and a small chill runs a mile down and about my spine. I went back to sleep, or at least tried to.

The dream was interesting though, not interesting enough for me to see it again. The 200th time was interesting enough. Dream or a memory?

It was certainly a boy screaming, vague, I know.
But unlike most books and movies, my mind is realistic. The small boy was screaming but I couldn't hear anything but a distorted piano? Not sure.

I'm still in bed tossing and turning. I soon fall asleep.

Or at least I think I did.
It's my first ever book so excuse my mistakes.
It's a short book with short stories written with a poetic touch.
It's a short chapter but yes, the upcoming chapters will be short too.

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