Fun Town

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As Donna passes the Welcome to Charming sign, she can't help but think the town is anything but Charming. For the past five years of her life, Charming has been nothing but a nightmare. And before, when she was naïve, she had no problem with Charming. It was small and quiet. For the most part, crime was non-existent. Her family had moved to Charming during her freshman year of high school and they all thought Charming was well charming.

But of course, Donna and her family soon would learn about some of the very notable citizens of Charming. Donna didn't really care about the club. She wasn't going to get involved with any of them. At the time, considering there weren't any drugs or crimes inside the borders of Charming, it seemed the club was a necessary evil.

However, in her sophomore year of high school, she met the love of her life. She can say Opie did not fit the stereotype of a menacing biker. Although he wasn't a patched member yet, still he didn't fit the description given to members and families of club members.

While everyone else was smitten by his best friend, Jax Teller, he wasn't Opie.

After Opie's return to Charming due to his parent's divorce, they were paired in science class. She believed it was the only class Opie didn't have with his best friend. Over the course of the year, she didn't know how or when exactly, but she fell fucking hard for Harry Winston.

Unlike Jax and Tara, her relationship with Opie was steady and healthy. She trusted him and loved him. That was why when Opie dropped out of high school to devote his time fully to the club with Jax; she thought her fairytale relationship would end.

Despite being confident in her relationship with Opie, they were around Jax and Tara a lot. Tara had no problem vocalizing her distaste for Charming and some aspects of the club. At the time, Donna could see the arguments Tara had made so vocal to the point it made everyone miserable.

Donna could say she had worries about her boyfriend becoming involved in an outlaw criminal enterprise. Despite him having late nights at the clubhouse and having to reschedule a few dates, Opie didn't change. His commitment to her and their relationship didn't change.

Of course, they had their opponents like her parents who were concerned, but they embraced Opie like a son. Her parents didn't even castrate him when he knocked her up at 19 with Ellie. Donna for sure thought adding a baby into their relationship was going to ruin them, but a year later she was married and a year after that she was pregnant with Kenny.

However, Donna knows the real reason she stuck by Opie as his commitment to the club got deeper or even when he started prospecting and Tara was a Negative Nancy about the whole thing was because of Opie's sister, Kennedy. She thinks watching Opie interact with his sister, and the love he had for Kennedy, was what really made her heart melt for him. And it also helped that Kennedy had embraced her into the family. Kennedy also kept it real with her about the club and in telling her that everything wasn't sunshine and rainbows. Donna was slightly concerned about these words coming out of a 13-year-old's mouth and the whole you love the man, you learn to love the club speech, but Donna soon learned those words originated out of Gemma Teller-Morrow's mouth. Still, Kennedy was a nice medium between Tara and Gemma for Donna.

If Donna ever felt overwhelmed and didn't want to bother Opie and didn't want Gemma to see her as weak, she had Kennedy.

That's why as she goes through Charming, which now holds bitter memories, she knows moving out of Charming means leaving Kennedy. She feels as if she is betraying Kennedy by wanting to move away from a town and the people that have caused so much pain for her family.

With Opie's five-year stint in prison, she knows the only reason she was able to get by and survive that stigma of Opie truly being a felon was because of Kennedy. Kennedy was there for her when she needed to vent and cry. She was there helping the kids get to school and with their homework. Donna looks at her kids in the backseat, who are playing on their Gameboys that somehow Kennedy could afford to buy them. When the time comes to move, she knows her kids will be upset. Kenny, nicknamed after his aunt because of how he seemed to only like her presence, was going to be the worst. She knows Kennedy and Kenny have this unbreakable bond as Kennedy had with Opie. She knows it is going to break her baby boy's heart, especially after losing his father.

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