The cave of two lovers

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"Watch out!"
Before Katara was able to move Aang already pushed her away and a second later she heard all the rocks fall down. They stood up and she saw that the rocks completely separated them from Sokka.  
"Are you okay," said Aang and looked at her, worried.
"Yeah, thanks for saving me like that." said Katara. When he heard she was okay he relaxed and looked at the torches.
"We have them for maybe two hours, not much time." Katara was worried.
"C'mon, let's just look for an exit.
*** *** *** ***
They were walking for a long time now and they were running out of time. Katara was tired but she knew they had to keep looking.
"Let's just stop for a little, there is no point if we are that tired," suggested Aang.  Katara sighed but stopped. She looked in front of them.
"Look," she said, showing Aang to come closer. "I think that the whole love story of the two lovers in written here." She read it out loud and when she stopped she noticed something written at the bottom.
"It says that love is the brightest in the darkness.. Now what's that supposed to mean?" Aang shrugged. She looked at him.
"Well we have to trust in love to get out right? What are we supposed to do? Maybe.." She looked at the wall again. He curiously looked at her.
"What do you think we should do, Katara?"
"I just.. had an idea. It's stupid and you wouldn't like it, but.. I guess it's worth to try.." Aang felt his heart beating slightly faster.
"Maybe if this cave wants something about love than maybe... we should, you know, kiss." She was really nervous when she said that. She knew he would think she is insane.
At this point Aang's heart just went crazy. It was beating so fast and Aang still couldn't believe his ears.
"K-kiss? I-I mean uhm yeah, that s-sounds logical." Katara blushed a little and got closer. She saw how their last torch was going out and it was becoming darker. But at this point they were so close that even with darkness and closed eyes, Katara exactly knew where Aang was standing. And slowly their lips touched. But the kiss wasn't the way they expected it to be. It was supposed to be a quick kiss to make the magic of the cave happen but once their lips touched, everything they really felt came out. Katara suddenly relaxed and put her hands around his neck and he kissed her with more passion.
When they broke apart they both smiled.
"Look," said Aang quietly while still smiling, "crystals are glowing and showing us a path. We don't even need torches." Then he looked back at her.
"You know now that we actually have a good light source and a way out I don't even feel the need to get out soon anymore," he added. Katara laughed.
"I know what you mean." And then she pressed her lips against his again and pulled him closer.
When they got out of the cave Sokka was already waiting for them.
"Finally you showed up! I thought that, you know, with all this love power that this cave has you'd be out of it before me but looks like I was right and this trusting in love does completely nothing!" He proudly walked away as Katara looked at Aang and they laughed.
"If only he knew," whispered Aang as they went after Sokka. 

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