He was gone

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Katara was walking through the forest without any reason. She was alone for most of the time. Toph, Sokka and Suki hung out a lot while Zuko and Mai were busy. But although they always wanted her to join them she only came back in the evening when she ate something and went to sleep. She couldn't help herself, she just couldn't be with others.

When Katara woke up she immediately sensed something was wrong. She looked at the other side of her bed. She spent the night with Aang because both of them wanted to spend some time together since it wasn't possible to do that before the war ended. But he wasn't there.
He was gone.
She tried to calm down, maybe he just went to see others or he went airbending or... She ran down the stairs and found Sokka, Suki, Toph, Zuko and Mai. She immediately knew.
"He is gone, isn't he?" Nobody said anything.
"But why wouldn't he say goodbye? And where did he go?"
"Because it's not goodbye," said Toph.
"I'm sure he will come back soon," said Suki and smiled. Katara just stood there. She felt in her heart that Aang would not return for a long time. She didn't know why he went away but she only wished that he would have said goodbye before.
"Did he say anything to any of you?" she asked although her hope was long gone.
"No, but you know how he is, airbender and all. He probably just wanted to be alone or something." She didn't think that Sokka realised how much his words broke her heart in that moment. Aang didn't want to be near them, they shouldn't be with him all the time. She should have given him more space! And now he is gone, just because Katara wanted to be with him too much. He always liked freedom and she didn't give him that.

She decided after that that she would give some space to everybody. She spent most of her days near the river, bending day after day. It was the only thing that calmed her down at least a little bit. And she was right, he really didn't come back for some time. It has been two years since that happened and she didn't know where he was all that time. Alone? What could a person possibly do for two years alone? But Aang was different, he would easily survive that. He could at least meditate in peace.
In the evening she came back to the house but to her surprise they were still awake, seating around the table and to her surprise she saw Aang with them. Hiding in the darkness outside the house she just stared at him for a moment. He was 16 years old now and he changed drastically since she last saw him. He was taller and beautiful as always. Looking at them she kinda became sad. They were happily chatting, probably talking about everything Aang did in these two years. She didn't know why but it felt so wrong for her to join them although she believed they wouldn't mind it. And she turned around and just ran. She ran through the forest while crying and asking herself why is she doing that. Instead of going back to those she loved she ran away from them feeling like she is annoying to them. It didn't seem like they were missing her there while chatting.
When she stopped she was already in the middle of the forest and it was pitch black. She sat down and leaned on a tree.
"Katara!" A voice came to her through all the trees and she honestly didn't even care anymore.
"Katara!" The voice was a lot closer now. Her heart was still beating fast from the running but now it was for a different reason.
"Katara..." This time the voice was soft and she opened her eyes and raised her head. After all these time Aang was standing in front of her, calling her name. She slowly stood up but looked away. She didn't feel worthy enough to look in his eyes.
"I missed you the most. You knew I would return, there is no way for me to live without you." She started melting at the sound of his voice.
"But when you ran away it seemed like it was because of me, I know how much you appreciate freedom and I'm sorry I didn't give it to you."
"That was before I met you. I still love freedom, but it's a different kind of it. For me it's freedom if I'm able to be with you whenever we want. The typical freedom can't last forever because sometimes we need to share our life with one person and for me freedom becomes the time spent with you. You know I need you, Katara." She slowly looked at him. He was looking at her like he was begging and her heart fluttered when she looked at him.
"I was so lost without you. I still don't understand why you left." He sighed.
"I'm sorry, really. I thought I need some time alone to figure things out but the more I did this the more it became clear that I was stupid and that the only thing I need is to be with you."
Her hands were trembling as she slowly reached to feel his face. She just couldn't believe that this was true and that he was there with her. She then looked at him again and then hugged him.
"I'm here, Katara, I'm here. I'm never leaving you again." A tear slid down her cheek as she looked at him again.
"I love you so much Aang. I'm sorry for everything stupid I ever did. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to." He slowly smiled.
"I love you too, Katara and I always did and I always will." They were standing close to each other and it didn't take a lot to close the gap between them with a kiss. As he touched her lips with his she experienced pure joy and love. She put her hands around his neck as they deepened the kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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