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Katara tiredly looked around herself. She was in a new location, but it was similar to the last one. A cave in a desert, in the middle of nowhere. It was just her with her hands tied together, hanging from ceiling. It was really tiring to be in that position for hours. It was worse that the last location as she wasn't hanging from a ceiling there. And there was never any water near her, except when he came to give her water to drink, but he made sure Katara wasn't able to bend it.

2 years.
2 years since Aran kidnapped her.

She was still surprised how she ended up here. One year after the war ended, when she was 15, they met Aran. He was a nice guy, an earth bender. He hung out with them a few times, especially with Zuko, Aang and Sokka, when they had time. They became friends quickly. The same year, when she went for a walk with him one evening, something suddenly hit her so hard she lost consciousness.  When she woke up she was in an unknown location with no water near her. She soon saw Aran and he was nothing like usual. She didn't understand why would he kidnap her. But now she was convinced that he didn't have any real reason, he himself said he did this just for fun. Katara thought she would go insane. She had to spend two years alone, almost dehydrated in a middle of nowhere. She was furious but not able to do anything. She tried and tried but apparently Aran did a great job at making sure Katara can't escape. As she was thinking about this again she cried. She was full of anger and sadness. She missed Sokka and Aang so much, she cried every night. She always felt responsible for Sokka, even though he was older and she was always protective of them and making sure everyone is okay. That was who she was. And she failed to do this. She can't be the one protecting if she wasn't even there.
Another hour passed as she heard something but she was too tired to raise her head and look. She just saw someone hit the wall of the cave.
"Katara! It- it's you," she heard and it was a voice full of joy and tears. She slowly looked up and it was Sokka who hit the wall. But then a second later she saw three guy attack him. Katara's tiredness immediately disappeared and she struggled as she wasn't able to help him. Sokka was fighting as hard as he could but he was losing against three guys. Suddenly another person appeared in the cave. She looked at him. It was Aang. He didn't say anything and for a moment he just stared at her with horror. Without saying anything Katara begged him not to go in the Avatar state as she was really afraid they would kill him during that. He looked torn but he quickly started fighting the three guys. At first it looked as if they were gonna win but with every moment passing by she saw they were losing and even some more benders came and fought with those three guys. They were benders of different elements, although no one was a water bender as there was no water in the cave. She was desperately watching the fight and just praying that they will somehow survive this.
But then something weird happened. She got the same feeling she got every time she was near water, which was her bending element. Then she remembered. It was the full moon. But why did this one feel so much stronger than the previous ones? 
She pulled hard and tore the rope and fell down, landing on her feet. She looked outside the cave and saw that he moon was shining in an unusual powerful way. She looked at her enemies and she saw that they stopped fighting. She smiled and suddenly the cave crushed down and water came rushing inside and now they were outside of the cave. Katara stood up and picked up all the water and surrounded herself with it. Then she surrounded all of the enemies with water as well and they all shined in the moon color before dropping to the floor. Katara looked around herself and just before she fell down Aang caught her.


When she woke up she was in a soft bed. When she looked around she saw that it had to be the fire nation palace. She got up and dressed herself and in that moment a girl that was probably a servant stepped inside.
"Your brother asked me to take you to him and the Avatar," she said. Katara went with her and she took her outside. She saw Sokka and Aang sitting on a bench, talking to each other. When she walked up to them Sokka just hugged her intensely. She let a tear slide down her cheek.
"I can't believe you are finally with us again," he said. When they stopped hugging she just looked at him.
"I missed you both so much." Then she turned to Aang who was looking at her the whole time. He changed significantly since she last saw him. She hugged him as well.
"I can't believe.. It's been two years," she said.
"I know," said Aang and Katara felt that this wasn't all he wanted to say but she didn't say anything.
"Now I want to know what in the world was that," said Sokka. Katara looked at him confused.
"You know what I mean," he said. "When you got water out of nowhere in the desert and how you were glowing and your eyes looked similar to the moon.. Now that I think about it you looked a lot like Aang in his Avatar state." Katara just stared at them.
"I didn't even know what happened. All I know is that the moon was more powerful than usual and it had a bigger effect on me." While they were talking she saw Zuko approaching them. She smiled at him.
"Good to see you again, Zuko. I see you are all grown up," she said amused. He laughed.
"Sokka and Aang told me what happened and I believe I found what could be the explanation." He handed her a scroll and she read it.
"It says that water benders can achieve a rare state called 'the Moon state' when it's the full moon and they are in a huge distress or someone they care about is in a huge danger. That's when their element takes over and even if water is not around them they can call it with the power of the moon. When they are in the Moon state they do not control their actions that much but over time they can learn to control it and use the Moon state even when the moon isn't full."
For some time Katara was just quiet, thinking about everything she just read. Moon state?
"So that's why you looked similar to Aang," said Sokka. "You were also in some special state."

After lunch Katara was sitting outside on the bench. They were preparing to leave soon and go back to the southern water tribe.
"You okay?" said a soft voice behind her.
"Yeah," said Katara and looked at Aang as he sat down next to her. For a moment they just sat there in silence.
"I can't believe I let this happen to you," he said. Before she could say anything he continued.
"I am the Avatar, I can protect the world but I can't protect the one person that is closest to me." She looked at him and saw a tear slide down his cheek. She was in tears and she squeezed his hand. He looked at her.
"I'm so sorry. Sokka and I searched for you all the time but you just vanished. We could have never guessed that it was Aran, he was really good at pretending. We were so worried, I couldn't sleep and Sokka couldn't eat.. We didn't know what to do you know. And then two years. Two years, Katara. That's how long it took us to find you. Two long, torturing years without you. I swear it was like hell, not knowing if you are okay. And when I stepped in that cave... I saw you hanging there and just the exhausted look on your face, when you looked at me I couldn't even move." Katara was still looking at him.
"I can agree that this part of my life wasn't the nicest but what matters is that I'm back here." Aang sighed.
"Yeah, I agree." Katara hugged him and she felt calm. She always felt so calm when she was with him.
"I don't know if I told you already but I love you," she said as she looked at him again. He looked slightly red.
"R-really? I mean, t-that is awesome," he said and chuckled. She smiles. He was still so adorable.
"Yes, Aang. I love you." He was looking at her with his eyes shining.
"I love you too," he whispered and they slowly kissed.

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