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Reianne's POV
My friends and I have been looking around but I got distracted when I saw my reflection on a mirror I found. My hair was short and white with light purple tips, some of it was covering my right eye. My eyes were blood-shot red, my face was shaped to perfection and my body became curvy, not that I mind. I also felt a new pair of teeth in my mouth so I tried to feel it. Once I felt the tooth I got pricked by it and saw blood running down my finger. I look like Subaru and now I'm a vampire. Is this some illusion or not?! I was wearing different clothing from before. I was wearing a white-striped black sweater with jeans and a pair of white converse.

"Reianne! Get your butt over here!" Kaia's voice boomed loudly. It was so loud my eardrums hurt. I got angry all of a sudden and went to find her and my other friends. I saw them near a wall and stomped over.

"For crying out loud Kaia! Can't you be quiet for once!" I shouted then punched the wall. I expected my knuckles to hurt but instead it didn't and the wall has a huge crack in it. We were shocked to say the least. First I look like Subaru, then my personality turned to Subaru's, then now I have the strength of Subaru, and I became a vampire! Yes!

"Reianne dudet, you just punched and made a crack on the wall. Nice." Marriane said but she looked different, same with the others. Marriane looked like Ayato, Isabella looked like Kanato, Guia looked like Laito, Bea looked like Reiji and Kaia looked like Shu! They even act like them!

Bea is reading one of her novels, Kaia is listening to music, Marriane is boasting about how cool she is (kinda), Guia is dozing off a light pink blush on her face and Isabella is talking to her teal teddy bear.

Damn, its too hot. I placed the sleeves of my jacket on my upper arms and lean on the wall.

Karlhienz' POV
The Subaru look-alike made a crack on my wall. Seems I have to make an appearance before my castle breaks to the ground.

I sat at my throne looking at the girls. 'Reiji' noticed me and pushed her glasses. "Hey girls, looks like we have someone with us." The other 5 turned around and looked at me. "What are you doing in my castle?" I asked monotonously, looking intimidating.

"Fufu~ We are sorry for interupting and appearing here, but we don't know. We just woke up~ May you introduce yourself and we too shall introduce ourselves?~" 'Laito' said flirtasiously but formally.

"Introduce yourselves first." My voice boomed all throughout the room.

'Shuu' started. "I am Kaia, age 18, 2nd oldest of the group." "I am Bea, age 18, 3rd oldest of the group." "I am Marriane, age 18, 4th oldest of the group." "Fufu~ I'm Guia, age 18, oldest of the group." "I am Isabella, age 18, 5th oldest of the group."

We all turned to their last friend, who is just dozing off leaning on the wall. She opened her eyes and sighed. "This is bullshit. I am Reianne, age 18, youngest of the group." She said with a small blush on her face and turned away.

"Now that you have introduced yourselves, I am Karlhienz, the vampire king."

Third POV
Being shocked is an understatement. The group of six were utterly suprised and shocked to who stands before them. In front of them was none other than Karlhienz Sakamaki, the father of their favorite characters.

"So you're saying that you are the vampire king. Ok then can you please answer this question. Can you please give us something us new vampires can drink or suck? I'm damn thirsty here!" Reianne shouted, her throat getting dry from the shout. Karlhienz looked curiously and got a peek of a pair of fangs on each of their teeth.

Karlhienz then called a vampire butler to send in a human from the dungens. The vampire butler brought in a restrained human. Not even a second later, Reianne was already sucking blood from the human, the human frozen still. Her friends were also frozen still, but thirst for blood shown in their eyes. Soon, the six females started sucking on the human together. Reianne on the neck, Isabella on the wrist, Guia on the thigh, Bea on the arm, Marriane on the waist and Kaia on the shoulder. Karlhienz and the butler looked suprised. The human was paling faster and soon died of blood loss. The six stopped, smiling and released their fangs on the human corpse. The butler took the corpse away, leaving the group and Karlhienz together.
Karlhienz started.

"I think your names are very foreign to me so I think we should change it. Oh and maybe make you girls sisters. Do you agree?" "Yes."

"Reianne will be Sunami Ookami, Isabella will be Kana Ookami, Guia will be Laina Ookami, Marriane will be Ayano Ookami, Bea will be Reki Ookami and Kaia will be Shiro Ookami."

~Time Skip~

"Now I'll be calling the Sakamakis and Mukamis for you to choose who to stay with. Do you understand?" "Yes."

Ok guys so who do you guys and gals want. Do you want the Ookamis to stay with the Sakamakis or the Mukamis? Comment your choice.

Ja ne~


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