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Quick A/N. Since my friends requested this, they already chose the set of brothers that the Ookami sisters will be staying with. And also, they needed a new part. So enjoy!


Third POV
The Sakamakis and Mukamis got a letter from Karlhienz saying they should come to the vampire castle. They are now in front of the door and the eldest of both groups of brothers push the big doors only to see female look alikes of the Sakamakis. Sunami was leaning on the wall, Laina was annoying Ayano and Kana, Reki was reading a book and Shiro was listening to music on her headphones. Soon, the attention of the Sakamakis and Mukamis went to an argument with Laina and Sunami.

"Come on Sunami~ It'll be fun. Just one game and that's all.~" "Laina I told you its no." "Come on please? Just one game!" "Laina I said no." Sunami grumbled, her patience growing thinner by the second. The Sakamakis and the Mukamis stared interestingly (I don't know if that's a word or not.) at Sunami and Laina. Laina kept irritating Sunami until Sunami raged and punched the wall near Laina. "Would you please shut up!" Sunami huffed then walked away, leaving a smirking Laina and a cracked wall beside her. Subaru was shocked and was the first to talk. "What is the meaning of this!? Why do we have look-alikes of ourselves!? And females to be exact!" Sunami looked in Subaru's direction. "Oh fucking shut up will you. I'm already pissed cuz of the pervert over there." She said.

Subaru was shocked but got angry. He stalked up to the girl and grabbed the collar of her sweater. "Now listen here bitch. If you ever order me or insult me again, I'll make sure to break that skull of yours." He threatend but as soon as he finished Sunami kicked his crotch, making him drop her. "And if you threaten me ever again, I'll make sure you can't make vampire babies." And after, she walked away leaving a limping Subaru. The two sets of brothers were shocked. The girl, Sunami, has suprised them. The Ookami sisters smirked at Sunami while said girl looked straight at the wall, a small blush on her cheeks. Subaru limped back to his brothers leaning on the wall. Sunami did the same, only with her sisters.

"Now now everyone. Let's introduce ourselves and not get into fights." Karlhienz said.

The Ookami sisters introduced first from oldest to youngest.

"Fufu~ I am Laina Ookami, oldest of the Ookami sisters." Laina started staring at Kou and Laito flurtatiously. Laito and Kou gave a flurtatious smile to her and she smiled back. "I'm Shiro Ookami, 2nd oldest of the Ookami sisters." Shiro said lazily, Reki clicked her tongue. Shuu looked at Shiro and wondered what music was playing in her headphones. Reiji noticed Reki click her tongue and looked at Reki interestingly, who is reading a book about vampires. "I am Reki Ookami, 3rd oldest of the Ookami sisters." Reki said not looking away from her book. "I am Ayano Ookami but you can call me Joō-sama, 4th oldest of the Ookami sisters." Ayano said cockily. 'Well if that's the case then you'll be Ore-sama's queen, Ayano' Ayato thought. Ruki looked at Ayani curiously. "I am Kana Ookami, 5th oldest of the Ookami sisters." Kana said, hugging her teal teddy bear tightly. "And this is Beary." She added. "Look Teddy, we have some friends to play with soon." Kanato said to his brown teddy bear, which gave no responce. Azusa looked at Kana. "I wonder if she likes pain. Justin do you think she likes pain?" Azusa asked 'Justin', who also gave no response. "I'm Sunami Ookami, youngest of the Ookami sisters. This is damn irritating." Sunami said, muttering the last part. Subaru and Yuma heard it and looked at her direction only to look the other way when they were caught looking by the girl herself. "Now that the Ookamis have introduce themselves, let us begin with the brothers." Karlhienz said.

~Time Skip~

After the introductions, Karlhienz then cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention to him. "Now that the introductions are finished, we will now begin with the choosing. Ookami sisters, which set of brothers do you want to live with?" Karlhienz questioned.

The Ookami sisters thought for a while.
After thinking, they finally agreed on something.

Laina started. "We choose...
The Sakamaki brothers."

The Sakamakis were shocked, same as the Mukamis. "Well then. As of today, the Ookami sisters will be living with the Sakamaki brothers." Anounced Karlhienz. "Ookami sisters, your rooms are now prepared in the Sakamaki mansion. Inside will be some clothes that will be appealing to your eyes, shoes, make-up and other necesities needed." Karlhienz announced. The Mukami brothers left and drove their limo back to their mansion, while the Sakamakis and Ookamis went together in the Sakamaki limo to the Sakamaki mansion.

Joō-sama - queen

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