Christmas Special: Secrets Revealed

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Since its almost Christmas I decided to make two or three POVs for every holiday. Starting with this one. I hope you like it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Kana's POV
After dinner, Beary and I were going to our room when Kanato pulled me into a room, which happens to be his room. I turned around and saw a small table filled with sweets, pastries and tea with small chairs around along with stuffed animals sitting on it. Their were four more spare chairs. Kanato took a seat on the edge of the table and placed Teddy beside him. I did the same and sat down placing Beary beside me.

"So Kana, how was your time here with us so far?" Kanato asked softly, looking into my eyes before averting it to the cake in the middle of the table. "It has been good so far. Beary and I love it here due to the eary presence in this place." I answered. Kanato was about to open his mouth until I spoke up again. "But... It doesn't have that murderous aura that I really want." I answered darkly. Kanato looked interested but shocked. "You see Kanato, where we Ookamis are from a world where you are just a silly fantasy we all love and appreciate. Its the only thing that saves us from our bad pasts. My real name is Kana, but the name that I was used to was Clarisse Isabella. My past was to kill the people that were of no use to my mother. My prize was food, a place to sleep and the head of those people for my wax head collection. My mother was a slut and a bitch. She would order me to do things I never liked and takes my disgust and shame as something she can get the fun out of. Sunami's use-to-be name was Reianne. She works as a secret assasin named R23 or Rika. Her father forced her to work for his brother, a drug lord, in exchange for 1,000,000 dollars. The others except for Sunami and I have bad pasts due to either sickness of parents, poverty or abuse." I said. A long silence met us both after I said these words.

Third Person POV
Kanato sat there silently, thinking over what Kana had just said. The information given to him is still processing in his head. 'What did she mean?' was the one question roaming around his head. Kana snapped her fingers and he got out of his own world. "I know its a shock. But it is true." Kana said, looking at him with a serious look in her eyes. "Just please trust me and do me a favor, don't say this to anyone else. And don't say to anyone what I'm gonna say next." Kanato could only nod in agreement. "I've learned this information ever since we came here. We six were born here as real sisters and our last name is real. Also our first names. But we were transported to another world as different people. For what reason? I do not know of. We are also your cousins by blood. The sister of Karl, Kristine Sakamaki, married our father, Colton Ookami. On our birthdays we turn into our 'other dimension' selves. All of my sisters know of this and now you know of this. Please keep it a secret." She pleaded standing and going near Kanato. Kanato was still to stunned to comprehend what she was doing until when he felt her hug him. Her hug was warm even if their bodies are not. Finally, he asked a question. "So if you are my cousin, is it still okay to love you romantically?" He asked in a curious and questioning voice. "Yes." Was his answer to his question, making him smile brightly with glee. Kana too smiled with glee. She stopped hugging. "I'm going to sleep. Do you care to join me?" She asked and he nodded. They both laid down then fell asleep holding each other closely.

Ayano's POV
After dinner all my sisters except Sunami went different ways. 'Shiro's birthday is coming up. What should we do for her?' While thinking of this I bumped Ayato and Laito along with Laina. "Hey there big sis. What're you doing?" I asked but then they smirked. "You know how Reki said we can tell our little secret with three brothers? Well when you all left, Kana and I gave a suggestion of telling the triplets and she agreed. Since Kana already said it to Kanato, we are going to say it to Laito and Ayato." She replied with a genuine smile. I smiled back. "If that's what big sis Reki wants, then I'm in. Just make me your famous milk chocolate when you get the chance." "Fair enough." The two brothers were confused. We dragged our look-alikes to Laina's room. When we went inside, we locked the door. "So who's going to explain?" Laina asked. "I'll do it." I replied back quickly.

"Alrighr listen up and listen well! You better not tell this to anyone else or you will face the wrath of all of us Ookami sisters especially Sunami and Kana." They all looked scared but that went away quickly when Laito asked. "Why Sunami and Kana?" Was his question. "Let me tell you in story form. Once upon a time there were six females who were all born on different dates. They were sent to another dimension with another name. They grew on that dimension. Sunami's name was Reianne, Kana's name was Isabella, Laina's name was Guia, Shiro's name was Kaia, Reki's name was Bea and my name was Daphne. We all were best friends. But we all have different pasts. Bad ones. Sunami's and Kana's pasts were the worst. Let me start from youngest to oldest. Sunami was forced to be an assasin of his brother who is the biggest and baddest drug lord in the whole world. Her assasin name is R23 or Rika. Kana was ordered to kill people by her mother. Ever since then she started collecting new heads for her wax head collection. I was abused badly by my so-called 'parents'. Reki was going through the panic of losing her 'parents' to an illness called Galstones and Cancer of the Blood. Shiro was going through a little bit of poverty and emotional abuse. Lastly Laina was going through major abuse from her 'parents'. On our birthdays we change into our 'other-dimension' selves. Do you understand this?" The brothers looked shocked to say the least. We snapped our fingers and they got out of it. "We know its a shock but please understand." We said together. Laito and Ayato both hugged us, making us shocked. "We wil be by your sides when you need us. Just call us." They said.

Reki's POV
I was just drinking some tea and reading a book about potions when Shiro entered the room. "What is it that you want Shiro?" I asked. "The three are finished explaining to the triplets. And I also cam here to have your home-made earl gray tea." I smiled at that and startes making it right away. She sat down properly on one of the chairs while a book about songs that need an instument to play it. I was happy she took a liking to books. After the earl gray was finished, I placed a cup on her end and on my end. Then we started chatting about random things that came to our mind.

To be continued...

Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁🎆🎇

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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