wake up call

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" Geoff ! wake up!

" what?", i grumbled as i turned over in my bed grasping my pillow with frustration as i buried my head into my pillow.

"come on Geoff ! only two weeks until school finishes!" my mother screamed up the hallway, i could hear the disappointment in her voice, as if she didn't want us to finish for the summer.

i turned to my left to see the bed on the other side of the room was empty, the bed, well my sister was clearly awake. i stretched as i got out of bed.

"Alright, i'm up," i groaned as i paced towards my wardrobe. i opened the doors and glanced back and forth at my very colourful wardrobe, i'm being sarcastic as nearly everything that i own is the legend of Zelda i pull out my black skinny jeans, my legend of Zelda shirt and my favourite pair of shoes. i wandered into my bathroom and quickly got dressed. i then rushed down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning everyone," i spoke as i took a seat at the kitchen table next to my sister who was clearly too busy concentrating chewing her toast as she didn't find the time to answer me.

" good morning honey," my mom chimed as she walked towards me and placed a freshly piece of buttered toast onto my plate. At least someone has the decency to answer me.

" thanks mom," i smiled as i gladly picked up the piece of toast and started to eat it until i saw the clock read 8:18am, crap.

" quick, i said to my sister , the school bus will be here any minute!", i screamed as i scrambled out of my seat and ran up the stairs, i rushed into my room and grabbed mine and my sister's bags, i took no time at all getting back down the stairs, i threw my sister her bag and ran towards the front door.

" stop worrying, Geoff ! the bus will wait!" My sister laughed. She picked up her glass of orange juice and drank it slowly, almost as if she was testing my patience.

" come on! it left last time, remember that?", i hissed as i walked towards her and practically pulled her from her seat.

there was a toot from outside, " right, the bus is here, bye mom!", i yelled back to the kitchen. i was stopped by my mom, " don't be late tonight, we have dinner guests! remember i mentioned my old friends, the Knight's ? well, they moved here a few days ago, and they're coming for dinner tonight at 6", she stated.

i eyed My sister who looked highly amused by the whole situation," okay mom," i laughed slightly, " we will be back by 3:30, bye mom," My sister reassured her.

we walked out of the front door and trudged towards the school bus, the tacky yellow made me feel sick to my stomach. " hey, hurry up next time," the driver scowled.

" sorry," i mumbled as i walked up the bus steps, there sat right at the back was the reason why i hated school,Remington Leith. he saw me and instantly laughed, " hey, everyone! look it's Geoff !," he laughed, and so did everyone else. it's weird because my sister is friends with him and during school hours he's a completely different person. it's funny, they don't really like My sister , they just put up with her.

i sighed as i took a seat next to my best friend, who is also my only friend, Otto. Otto is one for crop tops and short shorts , surprise surprise that is what he's wearing today.

Otto stood up and turned towards the back, " shut up Remington , don't be such a douche!", Otto yelled he also made a very unfriendly hand gesture towards him. Otto has a really short temper sometimes.

" don't listen to Remington , i have your back, buddy," Otto smiled as he sat back down. i forced a smile back at him.

finally the bus stood to a halt, but i already feel sick to my tummy and the school day hasn't even started. i got off the bus before Remington and his friends, Otto trailing behind me.

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