you play

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well, it's safe to say that biology and maths sucked. Now, finally time for music class. The only thing I hated about it is the fact that Remington took the subject, even though he cannot play any instuments, he can play tv show theme songs on the ukulele. Amazing.

I walked into class followed by Otto, we sat in our usual seats . Someone slumped down me. it was Gracie .

" Hey, this was the only seat available," She practically whispers.

" it's fine," i smile as i fell my full body tense with fear.

" you take music? I didn't know you were interested?," i question.

" Yeah, i like it. i play the electric guitar," She shrugged repeatedly hitting her hands onto the table.

" That's nice," i nod as i awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

" You play?," She asks as she furrows her eyebrows.

" Yeah, bass guitar," i mutter.

" Oh yes, of course! Sorry, I forgot! You were talking to Awsten about it last night!," She laughs, she blushes slightly.

Mr Harris walked in, my favourite teacher, mainly because he's the only teacher that's nice to me.

" Settle down, class," he smiles as he walks in carrying loads of sheets in his hands.

" hey, sir," i speak, he looks up and smiles.

" Hello, Geoff, You and Otto will have to sit in this lesson today"

" Teachers pet!," Remington scoffs as he forces out a laugh.

" Shut up you douche! ," Otto yells as he turns around to get ready to do another hand gesture, I quickly grab his arm to prevent him doing so.

" please boys, settle down, or you'll be in detention," Mr Harris warns.

Remington laughs.

" Well, i'll give Geoff more than detention," He laughs.

I turn to Mr Harris, he shakes his head at Remington before turning his gaze to myself and Otto .

Gracie just looks at me confused, I just force a smile.

" That's fine, sir," I answer whilst looking at Otto.

" It has to be fine anyway, you have no choice in the matter," He chuckles whilst taking a seat by his computer.

" Right class you have an assignment, you all need to get into groups of three and do a composition on instruments of your choice," He announces.

Sudden groans echo from around the room.

" I will be putting you into groups," He smiles sarcastically, everyone groans.

" Right. Otto Wood, Geoff wigington and Gracie Knight will all be in one group"

Really, this is too good to be true, I turn around to see Remington staring at me, as if he wants to kill me, well this will turn out well!

" Yes, get in," Otto screams as he puts his hand in the air, i high five him and turn to Gracie .

" I guess i'll play the piano?," She suggests.

" Yeah! that would be great!," Otto replies.

" i'll be on the guitar and Otto will be on the drums," i smile.

" i hope this will be fun," she smiles back.

Mr harris returns to the front of the class.

" your composition can be original song or you can improvise a song of your choice," He announces. Once again groans echo from around the room.

I look to Otto and we instantly smile at each other.

We spent the lesson discussing ideas, basically, we have come up with the idea of doing a cover but putting an original twist to it.

" can we do an ed sheeran song, please?," i practically beg.

Otto sighs sarcastically.

" Yes, i love ed sheeran!," Gracie smiles.

" He's great," i answer.

" we can decide on a song next lesson?," Otto suggests as he edges closer towards us.

the bell rings, signifying the end of lesson. Everyone gets up to leave except myself and Otto .

" aren't you coming?," Gracie asks.

" oh no, me and Geoff always stay in here lunch times, we have a little jam sesh if that's what you'd call it," Otto giggles slightly.

" oh, do you mind if i stay?," Gracie questions.

Otto looks at me.

" no not at all," i mumble as i once again scratch my neck.

" i'll text Awsten and tell him where we are so he can join us up here," nate mumbles as he reaches into his pocket for his phone.

" ugh, not Awsten ," Gracie scoffs in a sarcastic tone.

" wait, you know Awsten ?,' Otto asks with confusion.

" Awsten is her brother you dimwit!," i shout as i slap his back slightly.

" Ouch, that hurt! sorry i'm not a mind reader!," Otto defends as he attempts to reach his back which is highly entertaining.

" yeah, we are," Gracie laughs as she reaches into her bag and pulls her phone out.

Her phone rang and rang , yet she wouldn't answer it.

who is it?," i scoff as i once again go to hit him again but he moves back.

" it's my boyfriend, i've got to go, see you later," Gracie whispers as she grabs her bag and quickly rushes out of the room.

Moments later Awsten walks in, wearing his black fluffy puffer jacket 🧥 and drinking some HEB Orange 🍊 Juice.

" looking trendy!," Otto muses.

" shut it! where's my sister?," he laughs as he steps into the room.

" her boyfriend rang her or something," Otto shrugs as he gets up and heads towards the back room.

" oh, Remington , i hate him, and it's only been a day," Otto appraises as he returns from the back room with his drumsticks and sits on the stool behind the drum kit.

" no, he stayed at our house back in California before we moved here obviously, dad wasn't there but he treated her and the house like crap, our mom wasn't home either, none of them believe me and think he's an incredible guy, i hate him, they only believe Gracie because she's daddy's princess," Awsten spat, i could feel anger.

" oh, Remington is not a nice person, he punched Ge-"

" he punched you? is that how you got that bruise?," Awsten asks, he looks worried.

" yeah," i mumble as i slump down into my chair.

" i'm sorry," he gulps.

" it's fine, i'm fine," i grimace as i walk towards the back room to grab my guitar.

Fatal Attraction Geoff wigington Where stories live. Discover now