don't be like that

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" Geoff , Geoff, Geoff !"

" what?," i groan as i turn onto my side, i look up to see my sister standing there with her toothbrush gripped firmly between her teeth.

" well, we do have school and in case you haven't noticed mom isn't here! so get up!," she replies in between her brushing routine. the toothpaste went everywhere, except on me, which is fine.

i stretch as i get up. " you know, you'd really better clean this up before mom gets home," i mumble as i walk towards my wardrobe. another day of school, how thrilling.

i scan my wardrobe, it's all black and i don't know anymore. " my sister , what shall i wear?," i ponder. my hand brushes over my selection of clothing hanging from my wardrobe.

My sister sighs as she walks over to me. She pushes me out of the way and looks though my things. i am getting impatient.

" look, i only wanted a suggestion, not for you to go and have a raid though all of my stuff!"

" hey, do you want my advice or not!?"

i take a step back and let her rummage though all my stuff, flinging them all over the floor as she did. after a couple of minutes she brings her attention back to me.

" now, this is great," she smiles as she hands me a set of clothes.

i place them onto my messy unmade bed.

" black jeans, a white top and my black leather jacket. you my friend, have good taste," i laugh slightly.

i quickly put my clothes on, i then make my bed, otherwise our mom would moan when she gets home from work. i rush to the bathroom and brush my teeth, i peel off the plaster from my forehead which stung, a lot. the graze still doesn't look any better so i replace it with another plaster, oh my black eye looks worse too. i walk out to see my sister standing there smiling.

" what is it?," i question. She clearly wants something.

" where's my thank you?," she muses as she lifts an eyebrow.

"" oh, yeah. thanks for your amazing choice of clothing —/-/-," i smile as i walk past her, her arm stops me.

" you're welcome, but i want your all time low top for this," she grins at me.

" forget it"

" fine, you bitch! all i did was help you!"

" yeah, i asked and you helped?! you could have easily said no! plus, that doesn't give you a reason to ask for my clothes! you have plenty of your own, go buy some of your own stuff? huh!," i jerk as i storm down the stairs and into the kitchen. i slam my bag onto the table.

i walk to the fridge and pull out the orange juice, i reach a glass from the cupboard and pour myself a drink, i quickly gulp it down. i look at the clock, 8.17am.

" my sister , the bus will be here any minute! get down here now!," i scream as i grab my bag from the kitchen table and dump my cup into the sink.

" i am coming!"

She runs down the stairs, she is wearing my all time low top, she cannot be serious?!

" you have got to be kidding me? have you not been listening to a word i've said?!," i roar

" what the hell? can't i just borrow it for today! don't be so selfish, jeez anyway the bus will be here now, i have no time to change," she smirks at me.

i dump my bag onto the floor and push past her, i sit down on the stairs.

" uh, what are you doing?," she asks.

Fatal Attraction Geoff wigington Where stories live. Discover now