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[School bell rings, upbeat music plays, a door sound effect plays]

[Midori sighs]

Tetora: Oh, Midori-kun!

[Tetora's footsteps as he runs up to Midori]

Tetora: Are you going home now?

Midori: I wish I was, but the Captain told me to go to the dance room.... So I don't have a choice, I'm heading there now.

Tetora: Oh! What a coincidence, I was also called to the dance room by our leader, and I'm on my way over there.

Tetora: Midori-kun, if you want, do you want to go together?

Midori: I don't really mind, but...

Tetora: My thanks!

[Footstep sound effects]

Tetora: But, even so, for our leader to call on us, it's unusual, isn't it?

Midori: He's gunna make us do some kind of weird training with him, or make us say weird catch lines again... Why is it I'm in Ryuseitai, I wonder....

[A gloomy bell sounds]

Midori: I'm so depressed, I want to die...

Tetora: Midori-kun! Cheer up! If our leader was here, he would scold you to cheer up, you know!

Midori: It's honestly a pain for you to force that tension on me....I wonder if I could pretend I hadn't heard what the Captain said, and go home....

Tetora: Ahh, you can't go home!

[Sound effects of Tetora rushing to get in front of him, rustling sound effects as Tetora grabs Midori by his clothes]

Tetora: Look, we can see the dance room!

[Rustling sounds, Midori grumbling]

Midori: If you jerk on the sleeve of my uniform like that, they'll stretch out... If I've come this far, I won't run away, so would you please let go of me?

Tetora: Roger!

[Footsteps as they continue walking, the upbeat music stops]

Shinobu: Oh? Tetora-kun and Takamine-dono! Were you guys also called here by the Captain?

Tetora: Oh, Sengoku-kun! Hi! And Shinkai-san is with you too, isn't he.

[Sound effects of water dripping]

Kanata: Bubble bubble... Hello, Tetora, Midori~

[A timpani booms, and strange electronic chimes play, laid back music featuring whistling begins to play]

Tetora: Um, Shinkai-san, why is your uniform soaking wet... could it be, there was a rain shower!?

Kanata: It is not raining... It is very nice weather.

Shinobu: When I was blasting through the fountain square, Shinkai-dono was swimming in it in his uniform, de gozaru! I tried to stop him because he'd catch a cold, but he said "It feels good, so leave me like this~"

Kanata: Cause when the weather is good, it feels good to swim~

Tetora: I've told you, you can't go swimming in your uniform, you know! Water is dripping off your uniform, and the hallway is soaking wet!

Tetora: The lady in charge of the cleaning is going to get mad, you know!

Kanata: It is sad... to have someone angry at you... I understand. I will be careful next time.

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