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28 7 5

"Wow," I whistled, eying the amount of suitcases Elsu was carrying, "are you sure the plane isn't going to crash from how heavy it is?"

"Oh shut up. Mavwu and me packed exactly what was necessary, no more, no less."

I nodded, not believing a thing he said.

Changing the subject, I noted, my mind still not fully comprehending it although I had the advantage of an extremely good brain, "I can't believe we are finally leaving. I mean, do you guys remember when we first got here? That was, what, ten years ago?"

"Ten years, three months and sixteen days." Was the immediate answer from Ungeld, who had successfully managed to sneak up on us thanks to his sleek golden wings.

"Hey, you idiot, stop trying to make us jump. You should know we are used to you by now."

Suddenly, as he stood there smiling, a large crash was heard behind me, making me turn around instantly, my wings spreading out in defence as they tore through my plain blue shirt.

"Shit!" I shouted, enabling the metal around my upper body to turn into metal as I glared at Ungeld, my blue wings stretched out on either side of me.

He awkwardly stood up, rubbing his hands against his military trousers as he smiled at me cheekily.

"Nice wings," He commented.

That's it.

Running towards him, I grabbed him by the ear, the metal wings already hidden from sight.

"Don't you ever, and I mean ever, do that again, you arsehole!" I yelled, "What if standers were around? Then how the hell would you explain that?"

He shrugged, trying to get rid of my angry glare as I stared at him impassively.

"Are you talking about the citizens?"

Zoey suddenly appeared with her notebook in hand as she looked intently at us, trying to figure us out.

Goes to show how normal humans brain works... Absolutely no memory at all. You would have thought that ten years working every day on you would make her know me better than myself...

"Yep," Elsu said, coming out of the plane, "are we all ready to leave now?"

"Absolutely!" Ungeld shouted, running into the aircraft, probably trying to get away from my wrath.

"I guess I'll see you at some point," I said, watching as Elsu walked back into the plane, already complaining about Geld.

"I'll miss you,"

I won't, was what I wanted to say.

But it wouldn't be true.

This woman had been there in my darkest times, helped me through my biggest nightmares, and still stayed by my side.

It's her job, something inside me tried clarifying.

"I will too. But not this place!" I shouted, glad I was getting away from CARESS, running up the stairs as the engines started.

I was walking through the dark hallway, a gun in either hand, my wings ready to shield me from any incoming bullets.

It was silent. Too silent.

I knew something was going to take place soon, knew they were probably waiting for me.

But I didn't have time to waste on making a bulletproof plan. I didn't have time to wait for the rest of the team to come and rescue me.

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