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20 4 1

"Come on, come on! We needs to get this!" A woman's voice shouted, heels clicking against the cement floor as she ran, nearing the building.

We had finally got rid of all of the guys except two, that had somehow managed to leave the building without us knowing.

Putting my glasses on, I checked my surroundings, trying to see them through the walls as Elsu and Ungeld finished tying the men up, most of them either groaning in pain or unconscious.

Actually, all of them unconscious now, I thought, hearing a gunshot, followed by a thud.

"Guys, we have standers heading straight towards the bad dancers... We need to keep 'em safe!" I shouted, already running towards the exit.

Just as I was reaching the main entrance, I heard the gunshot, a bullet stuck in the woman's chest, the microphone she was carrying now rolling on the floor, as she cried out in pain.

I quickly got into action, spreading my wings wide and flying in front of the paparazzi that now stood there in astonishment, their mind running in circles as they contemplated the two men shooting at them.

Fucking idiots... Why can normal people see they are in danger, and run for their life?

Not two seconds later, the two camera men were running away, throwing the heavy cameras they were carrying onto the floor, right next to the lady wearing an expensive dress, who was currently screaming in agony.

I knew I couldn't save her.

Not unless you're willing to take of your mask and use it to block the blood from coming out, I realised.

So I did just that, my black hair brushing my shoulders as I let it down, the blue cloth that covered my face now dark red from the blood.

The woman on the floor gasped, probably from pain, and closed her eyes, a silent scream leaving her mouth as I stuffed the clothing into her wound.

"Neddicky! Get rid of them and come and help me!" I shouted over the sound of bullets jumping of my wings, each one of them prickling my nerve system, making shots of delicate pain slide down into my back.

"Got it!" Came his faint reply.

As I focused on the dying woman in front of me, I made myself forget about the pain searing through me as the bad guys shot towards me, probably thinking they could get through my wings.

"Stay with me, ma'am," I muttered, ripping my trousers to block the blood that seeped out of the wound.

I'm going to end up naked at this rate, I thought, taking into account the amount of blood she was losing, the fact that the wound seemed deep and looked as though the bullet had hit a main vein, along with the lack of connection I had, not even a phone to call an ambulance.

Remind me why you decided to leave the earcomes in the car?

The car.

The director.

The rules.

"Whatever you do, don't show your true identity. If you do,you'll be send immediately to CARESS." The strong voice of the director explained, looking at us with a stern look as she said her goodbyes.

"Fuck my life!" I half shouted, half breathed out, not wanting to startle the woman in pain underneath me.

Suddenly, the bullets stopped bouncing off my wings, so taking it as a chance to peek at what was going on around me, I saw Elsu chasing after one of the men, currently running into the building again, while Ungeld flew towards me, his golden wings shining under the morning sun.

"Heya, Geld! Do me a favour and get her to hospital. I'm going to make a run for it while things are hot." I shouted, moving my wings carefully, tearing down the cave I had made to keep both the journalist and me safe.

"Gotcha! I'll tell them you just flew into a plane or something... It's convincing, right?"

I snorted, not even bothering to answer knowing perfectly well even if I did tell him a story to tell, he would end up saying I'd slammed myself into a plane.

Nobody ever believed him, since, even if I did decide to fly to the height that aircraft's glide through the sky, it was quite hard to end up right in front of one.

"The building will explode soon! Get the people from the top floor out of here," I faintly heard Ungeld shout to Elsu who was currently blocking the door with a metal pole.

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Again, I like it, but feel like something is missing... Any ideas? 

Also, not sure if you've noticed, but she didn't really have to take her mask off. That's for two reasons; one, I want to make it clear that, although she has an advanced brain, she, like any other human being, gets stressed under pressure, and can sometimes do things without thinking. But come on guys, give her some credit, she's trying to save someones life! The second reason, probably more important, is because... The mask is extreamely itchy.

Okay, so I decided I'd just ask random questions (not so random, but... Who cares, right?) and you, yes you, the person reading this, MUST answer. (Well, not really, but it would be nice to hear about things that have happened to you, or your thoughts on a certain subject...)

Anyway, first question is...

Which planet is your favourite?

Okay, it's slightly random.

Vote, comment and share if you liked it!

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