¢нαρтєя ƒιƒтєєη - вℓα¢к ѕρяαу

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"Hey, Cam!" I shouted, running up to his black car as he parked in front of the house, "I need to talk to you about something."

The reason I didn't go in the car was because ever since he had invited me on the first day and I had denied the help, he hadn't asked again. Not that I was complaining, it was nice to spend some time with my friends from childhood, especially since we now had a bigger group of friends, not that I liked them much to be honest, and couldn't talk about our past that openly.

"Uh, sure," He said, waiting for me at the door.

Jogging a bit, I entered the house, the black haired boy right behind me.

"So, you know those boys that have been... Um... Molesting you? Yeah, I've come up with a plan so that you can get rid of them,"

He looked shocked, his blue haunted eyes staring at me bewildered, "How do you know? I mean, not that anything is happening, but I thought you said not to take any notice of each other at school?"

"I didn't say not to take any notice, just that we shouldn't talk about living together. And it's quite obvious if you look for the right signes, so don't deny it,"

As I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack, I heard is footsteps near me, the mountain boots still on his feet intensifying the sound, "Okay, fine. But what are you going to do about it?"

That had happened on Tuesday, a couple of days ago, when I had gotten home from school after planning the whole event.

"But why can't they come over?" I asked Elisabeth, annoyed at her.


"Because what? It's not like anything is going to happen, they've been over countless of times," I continued, trying to get her to budge and let Elsu and Ungeld come over so that we could get ready for the main event that was going to happen today.

In theory, if I could get ready.

"Because I say so. Now run along!"

I huffed, but remembering how the director had said that she and Claudia were in charge unless under certain life-threatening moments, I left it, going towards Cameron's room.

"Okay, they are not allowed to come over, and we can't go over there just yet," I commented, throwing myself on the unmade bed.

"Well, I guess you are going to have to get ready here, in my room," He said, knowing I wasn't going to share the location of my room just yet.

We had become closer over the past week, since I had explained the plan to him. I wasn't entirely sure if it was because he believed I would bail on him if he didn't act friendly towards me, or if he genuinely liked spending time with me, at home and at school.

"Yeah, okay. Let me go and get the paint then. Go and get the plastic from the dining room! I left it under the table,"

With that, I quickly got out of the the room, and making sure not to wake Ivy as I passed her room, I jumped out the window.

Walking towards my night table, I grabbed the black spraycan, along with the mask I was going to use, one that brought memories from the past that every teenage girl would want to live, except for those that had the chance, and realised it was all a fraud.

As fast as I had gone in, I got out, shutting the window behind me and heading back down the corridor towards Cameron's room, where he awaited with the plastic covering most of his floor, along with the nearby furniture consisting of his single bed, his study table full of books from school, the same ones I had in my back untouched, and his chair.

"Alright, turn around a sec' while I take my shirt off," I muttered timidly, not used to feeling shy in front of people since I was accustomed to Elsu and Ungeld always being around me, meaning their eyes had seen me in countless awkward encounters.

"Oh, uh... Sure,"

Making sure he wasn't looking, I quickly took of my grey shirt, along with the new black bra Ungeld had decided to get as a joke we had had going for years. Turning on my metal chest, the atoms changed, the electrons surrounding each one changing the amount of numbers in held, the gravity coming from the nucleus changing almost instantly.

"Okay, done!" I said, trying to keep my long wings from knocking anything to the floor as I stood in the middle of the room.

"Damn, that's going to take a while to paint," he noted, looking at the feathers grazing the floor.

I shrugged, proud of them.

It wasn't every day a girl had wings, especially ones that could stop bullets, and if damaged, repaired themselves without going to the garage.

"I've got spray paint,"

That earned me a smile, his eyes twinkling as he took it from the floor next to me and said, giving me a wink, "I've gotta make you black like a black hole,".

"Right," I commented, unsure of what he meant.

Who will ever understand this boy?

After a while, my wings were nearly covered in black, the blue fading into darkness as the droplets from the bad quality spray fell on the feathers, my hands spreading the gooey substance to fully hide the bright color underneath.

"Fuck," I said, trying to twist my arms behind my back to reach some unreachable feathers.

"Do you want some help there?" Cameron asked, his hands already dropping the nearly empty can and moving towards me.

"No ne-" My breath hitched the moment his cool hands came into contact.

I wasn't used to being touched, especially my wings, since not only did I keep them hidden most of the time, but due to the fact that scientists hadn't known if the neurons in the metal pieces would survive, they had implanted thousands of extras, making my feathers extremely sensitive.

Shivering in pleasure, I leaned back slightly, my eyes closing as I forgot my surroundings momentarily while Cameron continued rubbing his hands along my feathers, covering each and every one of them in black.

Opening my eyes in realisation, I quickly took a step forward, moving away from the boy behind me unaware of what had just happened.

Get a grip of yourself!

"Don't worry, I'm not supposed to turn around, so they won't see that bit," I said, my heart rate starting to calm down.

"Well, it's covered anyway. So, are you ready?"

I could tell he didn't mean about my plan, but nodded anyway, still not fully reaching Earth as I tried forgetting what had just happened.

"Cause you must be the color black, like the black hole, since I have sincerally fallen for you," He grinned, his eyes sparkling as I smacked him behind the head, trying to hide the blush rising up my neck.

"Shut up, or I swear I'm not helping you,"

Stupid pick up lines... Stupid hormones... What the hell does the world expect a girl to do in this situation?

This, along with a couple other reasons, were why I would much prefer going around the world in a mask, acting like a SUPERHEROT. At least you didn't have boy trouble out there.

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