| 17 | »For the Broken ones

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To the broken ones...
To the ones who had fought too many wars with themselves

I love you,
not just because you went through a rough time,
But because you went through the rough time
And you are still here.

Remember I love you more than this Cruel fake world would.

I love you,
Because you are strong and brave enough to face them.

I love you,
because you are strong.

I love you,
because you know how to keep patience.

I love you,
because you went through a lot more but never gave up.

And yes
I'm just not in love with you,
I'm in love with all your scars, those burns, and
With all your flaws.

Remember you are not alone.
Stand up for yourself.

~Marvellous Beauty


Enthralling Thoughts.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora