| 105 | »They don't know..

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Everyday as I get up in the morning I think about how I am one day closer to the day I am going to die. I think about how and when I am going to die. It's a scary thought I know; I know people think I am weird to be thinking about it every single day. But they have not known what I know. They have not heard ambulance sirens coming closer to their home. They have not seen paramedics barge into their room. They have not seen their loved ones fall on the floor, unconscious. They have not seen their loved ones take their last breath in front of them. They have not seen what I have seen. They don't know what I know. They have not gone to what I have felt pierce into the skin of my body making it's way to the core of my soul and inject my heart. They don't know and I pray they never get to know how it feels.

~Marvellous Beauty.💔

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