Chapter 1

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Y/N: Your Name.

F/C: Favorite Color

F/F: Favorite Food


Today was a normal day at school and Miko and her new friends are acting weird like They know something that i don't. I walked up to Miko and waved but she didn't wave back.


It's been a week and Miko hasn't even noticed me yet. I walked up to one of her friends. "What is up with Miko she has been ignoring lately." i say. "What I don't think she knows you. I asked her who you were when You waved at her and she said 'who?'!" says the black hair boy. I was going to cry. She must have been kidding.


It's been a mouth now and Miko still won't talk to me. I've noticed that she's doing this on purpose. Tonight i will jump off the tallest cliff so she don't have to deal with me anymore. I walk into 9th period Miko stares at me and looks away when Jack called her name. I have known Jack since i asked him what was wrong with Miko. Jack looked at me and noticed i was think something bad. I sat in the back and looked at those two and knew that Miko didn't care. "Miko you have been acting different since we ment them." i heard Jack say. "No I haven't Jack!" said Miko. "Then explain why you have been ignore her."Jack said pointing at me. "I haven't Jack!" Miko screamed. I ran out of the room to the bathroom. "Y/N!!" screamed Serria. I hugged Serria and let the tears fall. She patted my back to help clam me down. After awhile i went back to class and Miko was looking down while Jack looked up worried. I sat back in my seat and acted like nothing happened.


It was night i walked to this cliff and stood there and waited looking at my phone and i got a text.

Jack: Hey where are you?

Y/N: Walking around town why?

Jack:I got a friend who wants to meet you.

Y/N has disconnected from the chat for good.

Jack's PoV

I AM FREAKING OUT!!! "Jack you okay?" asked Arcee. "WE NEED TO FIND MIKO AND MY FRIEND!!!!" I yelled in a panic. "WAIT WE HAVE TO FIND Y/N!?!?!?!" Screamed Miko. "Wow wow wow. Who's Y/N?" asked BulkHead. "Y/N was Miko's Best friend before she met you guys." answered Raf. "What is Y/N's full name?" asked Arcee. "Y/N Prime All-Spark." answered Miko. Arcee ,BulkHead,and Bee looked at Miko in shoke. "HOW DOES YOUR FRIEND HAVE THE MIDDLE AND LAST NAME PRIME ALL-SPARK!?!?!" asked Bulkhead. "I DON'T KNOW!!!!" answered Miko.

Optimus's PoV

Ratchet and I where talking when the Proximity Alarm went off. I checked the cameras and saw a human about to jump off the side of the base. "AUTOBOTS!!!" i scream. Everyone comes in the room scared. Then Miko gasped. Arcee then walked up to the computer and asked "Are we going to sit here and watch?" "THAT IS MY FRIEND Y/N!!!!" screamed Miko. "Optimus we got to stop her!" Jack stated. "Arcee you will accompany Jack on the roof. Don't revile yourself." i say.

Y/N's PoV

I jump but feel someone grab my ankle. I hear Jack say "WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING!?!?!" I then black out last thing i heard was "ARCEE HELP ME!!!"

Ratchet's PoV

Arcee and Jack have been gone for a while now. Arcee run in the room holding an passed out human. Great another one. "Ratchet take a look at her please."asked Optimus. I groaned. "Ratchet Please." asked Miko. "Fine."I growled. "Thank You Ratchet!" Miko said.

Y/N's PoV

I woke up and saw alot of giant robots. I saw Miko and Jack with the biggest one!!!!! The one nearest to me said" She's awake." Miko,Jack,and a little boy probably 12 came up to me and hugged me. "I'm Raf!" said the 12 year old. ":I'm BumbleBee!:"said the Black and Yellow one. "Nice to meet you BumbleBee." I say with a smile. "I'm BulkHead."said the bulky one. "I'm-" "Arcee right?" i ask. "How-" she was 'bout to say something. "Last thing i heard was your name." i cut her off. "I am Ratchet" the first on said. "Well Mr. Grumpy. Nice to meet you." i say in a sassy tone. I heard him growl. "I am Optimus Prime." the biggest on says. "So your the leader?" I ask Optimus. "Yes." he answered. "Well since i know your names i shall introduce myself. I am Y/N Prime All-Spark." i say. Everyone Stares at me in shock. "It's rude to stare." I say. "How do you got the names "Prime" and "All-Spark"?"asks Optimus. "It's my name from since i was born." i answer.

Wonder what this journey will lead to.
":·········:"= Bee when he speaks.

So this is the longest I've wrote somthing.

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