Chapter 4

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Before we start. I will have 3 more books like this and Like the Optimus one I'm doing. They are for  BumbleBee,Ratchet,and Rodimus. Rodimus is MTMTE universe so He is not connected This one,MegaTron,Bumblebee,and Ratchet. All cover art belongs to their owners. I also haven't been watching any of the episodes because i have been watch a anime my friend wanted me to watch. This takes place where bee had megs in his mind. In this chapter you find out you are Cybertronian.

Y/N's PoV

"RATCHET! Bee is acting weird!" i screamed. "What?" Ratchet screamed."I saw him acting weird!"I screamed back. ":wtf?:" Bee asked.I looked at bee and put my hands up when his eyes went small and he grabbed me violently. "PUT ME DOWN YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!"I screamed because I knew that wasn't bee. "Y/N! Watch you're mouth!!!" Ratchet screamed not seeing the predicament I was in."THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU RATCHET!? I FEEL LIKE I AM ABOUT TO GET SQUEEZED TO A PLUB!" I screamed. Ratchet look over and seen this scene."BumbleBee put Y/N down now." He ordered.":nope.:" he said sounding like megadick. "He sounds like megadick." I said. "What is with those nicknames you give people?"ratchet asked. "Aye I sometimes call you ratchy!"I screamed.I could hear Ratchet growl at me. BumbleBee's grip on me loosened.":okay what happened??:" Bee asked putting me down. Ratchet left before bee eyes turned normal. "Dude you almost crushed my ribsssss."I said.
Time skip brought to you by GrimLock. Real quick I want to say that I have school now and I won't be able to get many stories updated. I will add non-cannon characters like GrimLock and some people from g1 or from Cybertron because Hot Shot is awesome.

"Bee where are you going!?" I screamed at him as he walked to the ground bridge. He looked at me and snatched me up like a mean person would with someone they don't like at all. When we went throw I heard ratchet and raf calling for bee and me. I was too scared to speak so I just keep quiet. I swear I heard raf start to freak out when I didn't call back out for them. When I felt myself hitting a wall I blacked out and memories started flowing in like water that was behide a dam that just broke. You'll find out what they where later on in the story. I opened my eyes and Ratchet is right in my face."WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed kicking ratchet where the sun doesn't shine."yep this is Y/N just in a different body." Raf said. "Please explain what is going on." I said. After the explained what was going on I looked at raf like 'okay wtf is wrong with you?' ":Ratchet where is you're position?:" "Ratchet you're comlink went off." I said.
Time skip to the autobot base cause I is lazy. "So you're telling me that BumbleBee had megatron in his head and he hurt Y/N but she got turned into a Cybertronian?" Asked optimus. "That is what they told meeeeee." I said. "Wow she kinda looks like optimus." Jack said. "Well i can't see myself Jack." I said putting my hands on my hips."that defently is Y/N." Jack said laughing. "She has the sass of Y/N and the voice of Y/N so it is Y/N."Miko said.
Well I took so long to make this chapter I am soooo sorry about it tho.
Word Count:613 words
Byeeeeeee see you next chapter!

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