Chapter 2

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Don't worry about the top photo it is your clothes in this chapter.
Y/N's PoV

Ratchet and Optimus will not let me go unless it's to go to school,food,or a bath. It's getting annoying. Miko says I'm so lucky to stay but she doesn't know what it feels like. Speak of the devil. "Y/N!!!!" yells Miko. ":MIKO SHE'S DOING HOMEWORK!!!:" screams Bee. "He said She's doing homework." translates Raf. "Aw....." sighs Miko."Miko. You did ignore her for a month."said Jack. "Wait. The whole reason She was going to harm herself was because Miko ignored her?" asked BulkHead. "Yeah. Plus Miko and Y/N been friends for years." Jack said. "Until she started to ignore me."i said with venom in my voice. ":What is with the anger in your voice?:" asked Bee. "Well it you know my life you would know."I said. Everybody was shocked. ":You can understand me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!:" asked Bee. "Yes i can."i said. "Great two half Cybrtronians." said Miko. I slap her on the back off the head.(GIBES!!!!) "Ow......"Said Miko. "Watch it." i said. BulkHead noticed something. "MIKO YOUR HEAD IS BLEEDING!!!!!"screamed Bulk. "I looked at the place i hit her and it was bleeding. "Wha-" she was cut off by a Nurse running over and bandging her head. "WHO DID THIS!?" she glared at the bots. ":Don't look at us look at her.:" Bee said pointing at me. "YOUR DEAD TO ME BEE!!!!!!" i scream. Optimus comes in the room like 'What is going on?'.

Optimus's PoV

I heard screaming from the other room the others were in and i saw Miko had Nurse Darby patching something up on Miko's head. "What is going on?" i ask with Ratchet behind me. "Well Miko's head started to bleed out of no where." said Arcee. " Y/N was acting like nothing happened. I noticed there where some dry energon on her shirt. "Ratchet can you look at Y/N's Back?" I asked Ratchet. He looked at Y/N's back then knew what i meant. So he picked her up and she sounded like on of those tiny land animals. A squirrel. Rafael showed me what one was. I wish to know more about this earth. I see Ratchet Come back with Y/N in his hand. She looked Terrified. I looked at Ratchet and he grew scared of me. I don't know why. He handed me Y/N. I patted her head gently with my dight. Arcee looked at me with confusion.


It has been a week and Y/N had gotten sick. I am worried on her survival. Ratchet knows something but won't tell me what. "Optimus what is wrong?" asked Arcee. "I feel like Ratchet is hiding something." i said. ":Ratchet knows what he's doing don't worry.:" said BumbleBee. "I'm afraid BumbleBee he is not help Y/N. She has been sick for a week now." i said. "True. That is weird of him." said BulkHead. "And what fo we do?" asked Arcee. ":Ask him?:" suggested BumbleBee. "I don't think he would answer truthfully." i said. "Tell him Y/N might die if he doesn't help her?" suggested Arcee. "How do you know she will die?" asked BulkHead. "She has the Cybonitc Plage." answered Arcee. "That explains why he's not helping her." "And why he's been on his computer a lot." i said finishing BulkHead's thought. ":It's almost time to pick up the kids.:" said BumbleBee. "Right. You three go get the other 3 while i talk to Ratchet."i said. Ratchet walked in the room seeing me sitting down. "Ratchet. I'm afraid i have gotten some news on what made Y/N sick." i said. "What?" Ratchet asked. "The Cybonitc Plage." I said. He looked shocked that she had gotten it like I was when i first heard she had it. "Who knew first?" Ratchet asked. "Arcee." I answered. Miko came up to me and said "Is Y/N okay???" "I am afraid not." i said truthfully. "Does she have Cancer?" asked Jack. "I am afraid she does not. She has a Cybertronian sickness ; That is deadly." i said. ":Y/N might not survive if she is not treated.:" said BumbleBee. "That must horrible to have this sickness." said Rafael. "The Cybonitc Plage is rust that spreads around the body and slowly kills Cybrtronians. MegaTron created this sickness to destroy AutoBots." i said. "THAT JERK!!!" screamed Miko. "Do you guys got a cure?" asked Jack. "Sadly No." i said. "There is one but MegaTron has it." said Arcee. "Why don't we just storm the Nemesis and steal it?" asked Miko. "We don't know where it is Miko." said BulkHead. The the Proximity Alarm went off. Agent Fowler came and started his rant like always. "Wait who's that?" Agent Fowler asked. "That is Y/N Prime All-Spark." said Miko. "Well why is She asleep?" asked Agent Fowler. "She has been infected with the Cybonitc Plage." i said. "The what??" asked Agent Fowler. "The Cybonitc Plage. It's like your Bobontic Plage but with rust instead." explained Ratchet. "How does she have it?" asked Agent Fowler. "That we don't know." I said.


BumbleBee's PoV

Y/N has finally recovered from the Cybonitc Plage. She had been showing sighs of boredom. ": What to Play Video games?:" i asked. "Sure." she says. I do feel bad she can't go to school yet. Ratchet said June was to go to the school and say she wasn't able to come to school for a sickness she had. She picked a game called "TransFormers Deviation" I watched her play as Optimus. When she got done with the first chapter i got to play so i picked myself. I looked so weird. I thought ' Who made this Game'. I bet the 2nd Chapter and Y/N picked GrimLock. I looked at her in confusion. She smiled and said "This person is as cool as you." I was flattered. She beat the 3rd chapter and so I picked SideSwipe. "You picked him?"she asked. ":Yes. What's wrong with him?:" i asked. "He's so picky!!!" she started to rant about the person as i played chapter 4. Ratchet came to see what she was ranting about and saw me playing this game. "So what is this called?" asked Ratchet. "TransFormers Deviation." Y/N answered. "Who is BumbleBee playing as?" asked Ratchet. "Some one named SideSwipe." Y/N Answered. "So who all is in this game?" Ratchet asked. "Optimus Bee SideSwipe WheelJack and Grimlock. Plus the Deceptions." answered Y/N. I was very scared when i saw the MegaTron. "Who is That?" asked Ratchet. "MegaTron" answered Y/N. "THAT DON'T LOOK LIKE HIM!" screamed Ratchet. "This takes place in a world called TransFormers G1. No one looks the same as they do here." said Y/N.

Wonder If they are real.

Well that was 1152 words plus these.So i added in a game I own. I advise to play it to she what it is like. It has more Deseptcons than AutoBots. Plus G1 is it's world. I think this game desires a reward.

Word Count: 1216 words.
See you next Chapter.

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