chapter 24

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* dont forget to comment and vote for the next chapter worked super hard on this chapter enjoy! :)*
Emma's pov

"Loki what did you mean by girls... you mean more than one right?" I asked him and I could see him visibly gulp. Loki looked petrified and couldn't seem to make eye contact with me, he found his black boots suddenly very interesting indeed.

"Loki it can't be that bad, you can tell me darling... I promise i won't be mad at you" I said as I looked towards buttercup for help.

"Oh don't look at me... you two got yourselves into this mess I'm not getting involved" she said and quickly dashed out of the room.

"What's wrong with her today?" I asked myself.
I was caught off guard when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and rest gently on my belly, his face stuffed into my neck as he left out a strangled huff.
"Loki?" I questioned putting my hand on the back of his head and stroking his hair soothingly. I stopped suddenly when I felt my shoulder become wet.
"I never thought" Loki said stopping mid sentence and turned me around to face him.
His eyes were surprisingly glass and slightly red from the few tears that he had shead. I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it and closed his eyes smiling blissfully.
"Loki what's wrong I've never seen you like this?" I asked him and he patted his lips.
"Did you think I'd be angry? Is that why you didn't tell me?" He asked me questions bit I couldn't understand where this was all coming from.
"Loki I don't understand what your talking about, you know I'd never keep anything from you" a guilty look flashed through his intense eyes but it was gone in an instant making wonder if I had simply imagined it.
Lokis eyes became black with intensity almost as if he was looking into my soul and suddenly a shocked expression graced his face followed by a smile.

"You really have no idea do you?" He asked me placing both hands either side of my head almost cradling me.
"No I really don't could you tell me instead of keeping me in suspense" I said smiling, Lokis smile was infectious.

Loki cleared his throat and guided me back to sit on the hospital bed, he grabbed my hands and enclosed them with his large ones as if trying to protect me.
"Now please don't be to alarmed... I know it's not the best timing in the world but you have given me a gift... a gift I never thought I would have"

I looked at him confused for a moment until everything finally hit me.
My eyes widened as I looked at Loki who hadn't even said anything yet.
"Yes you are with child, my child" Loki confirmed all that I had been speculating about in my head.
"But how?" I asked and Loki started laughing.
"How do you think?" He said and brought me into a hug wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace.
What am I going to do? What will people think, a healer having the baby of a prince most importantly a prince of Asgard? What if they reject me? What if they reject this baby because me and Loki are not husband and wife?
"Shush I can practically hear you think of every possible thing that could go wrong" Loki said stroking my hair gently.
"All that matters now is this, nothing else matters except me, you and this miracle"

I finally let out a sob and cried on Lokis shoulder as he held me closer.
"I'm sorry this is probably the worst possible time and I don't even know if I'm ready to be a mom yet. Oh Lord what will my mom think... What will my dad think" I cried as I let all my frustrations out.

"Whatever happens you'll always have me" Loki cradle me for the rest of the night as thought about all that had happened in such a short space of time.

Unknown pov

"You have failed me, again" I sighed as I looked at the pathetic low life standing in front of me.
"I know, I know master I just need a little more time, those Damn frostgiants keep getting in the way of my opportunities" they said on their hands and knees. Hmm Loki could never get people to kneel like this. I laughed and stood up from my throne as I made my way towards my little toy.

"You need to know... you're running out of time and I won't keep them alive forever, oh how I long to feel the trill of my fingers around their little necks" I said standing in front of my little victim.

"No please! Just tell me what to do and I'll do it just please I'm begging you don't hurt-

"You dare beg your master you pathetic little piece of nothing!" I shouted and suddenly stopped.

"However I still have use for you, I will not kill them yet" i said making my way back to sitting on the dark throne I had crafted for myself.

"Oh Thank you master Thank you whatever you need from me I'll do it I promise, what is it that you require my master" oh this is just too easy. Loki I hope you're ready for this.

"When the child of light is born, bring it to me, then kill the mother I have no use for the daughter of Zeus anymore as long as I have that child I will be able to do anything .... If you ever want to see them alive again you will do everything I say... here you will need this to give Emma as soon as she gives birth"

I hand over a vial of black poison and smile.

"But how will I give this to her?"

"You'll find a way... their lives depend on it"

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