Chapter Ten

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Khushi woke up the next morning feeling as if someone had planted an axe in her head. She gave out a little whine and clutched the back of her head tightly as she burrowed her face in the pillows. Waves of nausea passed through her when she moved and she flung open her eyes, her hand on her chest as she felt like everything she had eaten since yesterday would come out of her in a flood.

But nothing happened, except her throat went more dry than ever and it was almost hurt to swallow.

"Hai Devi Maiya." Khushi groaned. She closed her eyes again and rolled on the other side of the bed, desperately trying to get rid of this sickening feeling at the pit of her stomach.

She had been to a party last night with Arnav. She had seen Arnav and Lavanya coming out from the same room. She had consumed alcohol. She was drunk and she was with Arnav, rambling all that she sought to hide.

And the next second, a wave of memories slammed against her aching cranium and this time she didn't just flung open her eyes - she shot upright on the bed, eyes wide and heart palpitating.

She instantly looked around and felt the last bit of her sanity crumbling down when the unfamiliar room confirmed that whatever she just remembered was not a dream, but something she actually did.

She brought her knees to her chest and banged her head against it, cursing the second she had gotten hold of that God damn glass.


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Last night had been hard enough, horrifying even when she saw her husband and his ex-girlfriend coming out from that room. She felt as if the pain in her chest would kill her and then, as if to make matters worst, she drank off something without even knowing what it was and ended up confessing her deepest feelings to that one person. That one person who wouldn't give a damn.


And now, added to the heartbreak is this embarrassment that would for sure kill her.

"Uh--hey! You're up already."

Her eyes opened for a second, but she didn't lift up her head, for she knew who had spoken. Instead, she tightened her arms around her knees and shut her eyes, wishing for the ground to open up and swallow the bed she was sitting upon and along with it, swallow her whole self too.

"I thought the hangover would be this bad." She heard him say, then sigh before the sounds of footsteps indicated that he was coming nearer. Her chest tightened and she felt like she would choke on her own ragged breaths before his taunts could do the honors.

Hai Devi Maiya!

"Here, there are some tablets on the tray. Eat something first then have them. The headache will subside."

Contrary to what Khushi was expecting - which was a harsh and rather annoying bellow for what she did last night - Arnav's voice was surprisingly calm. She opened her eyes and lift up her head, but he was already sauntering out of the room.

She stared at his retreating figure with no less than what's called a gobsmacked face, until her expression changed to dread again when he paused and turned around to face her.

"And Khushi," He started and Khushi took in a deep breath, anticipating a warning.

"Last night, Lavanya and I were in a meeting with Mr. Sharma in that room. She was a part of the venture AR did with his company. Akash was with Payal, that's why I asked her to accompany me. We weren't alone there, and we certainly did nothing you should feel hurt about." He told her and without another word, left the room.

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