Chapter Seventeen

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"Arnav-Arnav are you okay?" Arjun asked tentatively, knowing that it was a stupid question altogether. Looking at Arnav, okay would not even be the last word someone would use to describe his state; He was sitting on the sofa adjacent to where Arjun sat, his elbows on his thighs and his head in his hands. His fingers were tight around his hair as if he wanted to rip them all in his raging frustration. 

"How, how do you think I'm feeling right now?" Instead of replying, Arnav posed another question, his voice muffled and shaken. 

Arjun shared a worried glance with his wife Myrah who was sitting right beside him, looking equally distressed. She, along with Arjun, had been expecting such a reaction ever since they saw the documents that were now laying in front of Arnav but that did not prevent them from being unable to console the latter. 

Myrah moved over next to Arnav whilst Arjun gave her a nod. He knew that she was a better speaker than he was and was even more capable of getting out a few consoling words inspite of the anger the said documents brew in them all. 

"Arnav." She touched his shoulder and shared another glance with Arjun when he did not look up, before continuing, "I know it's, it's - "

"--pathetic." Arnav continued, still hidden behind his palms, "It's pathetic, Myrah. I'm pathetic." He lifted his head at last and the duo suppressed a gasp to see his bloodshot eyes, filled with rage for none other than himself as he pointed to the papers in front of him. 

"This," He whispered, "this piece of information, this bloody paper which proves the true side of Shyam Manohar Jha...Arjun got it within 24 hours and I, I didn't even try to acquire it. I stayed in ignorance like a fool for three years, I allowed my sister to stay with him, I made no effort, not the slightest for this background check and then I blamed others when the truth came out? I am pathetic."

It was clear that Arnav was not talking to them; he was addressing himself, abusing himself for his lack of practicality. Shoulders slumped, Arjun made an effort to speak. 

"But now we have the proofs. Just give me some more time and I will find more and then you can set it right, Arnav. At last." 

"I can't. Nothing will be set right, it, it can't." Arnav said, almost choking on his own words. He tried to restrain the tears that Arjun were sure would flood out in the next few seconds and sure enough, as Arnav continued, a drop of liquid rolled down his cheek. "I don't know how Di will react. I never expected this, Arjun, I don't know how to handle this."

"But you'll have to." It was Myrah who spoke this time, more firmly, "Now is not the time to fall weak. You can't delay telling her the truth because you fear her reaction, Arnav. The more you wait, the more the outcome will be severe. Brace yourself, for her sake please."

There was a pregnant pause. Arnav continued to stare at the papers on the table whilst Arjun and Myrah stared at him. Then, with an inaudible sniff, he stood up. 

"I won't wait. I want to do it as soon as possible." He said and turned to Arjun, "How long, how long will it take to find her?" 

"I don't know." Arjun replied truthfully, "But I don't think it would take long. I mean, she's trying to look for Shyam herself. That's why I managed to get these," He pointed towards the documents, "I'm pretty sure we can get a hold of her soon." 

Arnav gave him a curt nod and started gathering his coat and briefcase. 

"Thanks. Just call me when you get the next clue." And with that, he strode out of the room, leaving behind two people who knew that he would not run away from the inevitable anymore but he was far from bracing himself against the consequences yet. 

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