chapter 35

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Trinity P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since Perrie's birthday and Ashley's little fit she threw. Even though she pisses me off for doubting me I still miss her and I hate not talking to her. I need to get out this house, I'm over thinking everything. Since Mason took Perrie with him to the gym I'm left alone to wallow in my own misery. "Trini open up its me please open the door. PLLLEEEEAAASEEE" I hear crying and banging on the door. It scared the hell out of me. I raced to the door as quick as I could to see a crying Ashley on my front door, we'll Mason's front door. I pick her up pulling her inside the house. Dragging her limp body to the couch I sit her down looking her straight in the eye. "I'm s-so sorry Trini b-but Perrie is gone and it's my fault. Mason told me to watch her while he went to talk to the boss and I did but I needed to finish the counts for the money so I went back to my office for just one second and in came some random ass people. They took Perrie and. ... Beau" she cried out. I felt my heart shatter at those words that came out her mouth.  I broke down in tears right along with her. "we're gonna get them back I promise you this" I hear Mason say as he walked through the door with Dylan James and Daniel.  I jump off the floor in front of Ashley and follow Mason upstairs. "why would they do this?" I ask him as he packs his backs. "because Trini they took something I love. They broke me because I killed one of them. I'm not proud of what I did in my past life and I'm not gonna let it ruin my future" he says still moving around. "well I'm coming with .." I say before he cuts me off. "no hell no what the fuck no. They have my daughter I'm not taking my wife with me so they can get her too" he says with anger. Wait did he call me his wife. Wow wait never mind bigger issues. "I'm going so shut up and hand me my bag. I could help more than you think." I tell him and he throws it my way. "be ready in 20 minutes because we're leaving" he says and I run down stairs past all the people in the living room.

Mason P.O.V

I can't believe they took my daughter. No one should know about her. This is her first day out with me. How would they know to target her? All this questions running through my head. My brain is on over load all I want to do is get her back and kill everything in sight. As i throw clothes in my bag Daniel comes walking in with this giant ass list. "I know you're mad and I am to but be rational and think this through. We don't want the cops involved so no mass murdering. We came up with a plan so just listen" he starts and I nod looking at him to finish his damn lecture. After 5 minutes of explaining he finally finishes and it's not a bad plan. I grab my back walking down stairs to a bunch of people in my house. "we're coming too. We love Perrie and Beau just as much as you " Leigh Ann says and I see her Jade some rookies and Trinity nodding while the guys look down shaking their heads. Some thing tells me this isn't gonna go well. "ok I'm here are we ready to go girls" Liam says walking in with Zain. "is every fucking body going now?" I ask and they nod. "I'm not even in this gang but when somebody messes with my girl and god daughter you damn right I'm going" Zain says and I  just look at him. He looks tough as hell finally he says something that matches his looks.

"before we go quick question how do we know who we're looking for. It's a million people out there that hate Mason and Dylan how do we know which one to pick" Jessi ask and everyone agrees. Dylan and I give each other that look and I know it's time to explain.  "okay look we know who wants us. Back when we were kids when we first got in this mess we were rookies and it was our first time out with the big guys so we were excited. Well we were making a sell and things got out of hand. One of the members girlfriend walked in with a kid and we shot them both but it was a complete accident. It was also our first time with a guy." Dylan explain.  "we didn't know what to do in that situation. They always told us shoot first so we did. We would never kill a kid I swear on that so can we please go get our kids before we're to late" I tell them and Trini hugs me wiping my face from tears that I hadn't known fallen as Ashley does the same thing to Dylan. "well ain't nobody fucking killing my nephew and god daughter let's go before I have to bust a cape in some asses tonight" Zain says and we all nod following behind them out the door. "Liam marry him already. Make him my brother in law" Dylan says and Liam tighten his grip around him smiling. "okay all girls in the van with Zain and Liam expect you two" I tell them pointing at Ashley and Trini and they get in the back of the small black car. This is fucking stressful. I hope my little girl and nephew is okay and still alive. Please let us make it there in time. I'm not a very religious man but I'll get down on my knees and thank him if my kids are okay.

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