Chapter 15

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Gavin, Grapefruit, and Jenny flew towards the Mud Kingdom, which wasn't too far from the Rainforest Kingdom. "How exactly are we supposed to sneak into the Mud Kingdom without being caught?" Jenny asks as she frowned. "None of us are big and bulky like MudWings. Also, we aren't brown."
"We just need to maybe eavesdrop on a MudWing soldier's conversations, "Gavin said. "It'll be difficult for us, but Grapefruit could probably get closer to MudWings with his camouflage."
Grapefruit was still golden yellow as he flew with the two NightWings. He looked confident and brave, even though he probably has never encountered a MudWing before. Neither has Gavin, though when he looked in the foretelling sword while he was still in the NightWing island, the MudWings looked gigantic and muscular and just plain scary.

"Look," Jenny said, pointing north. Gavin turned and saw numerous dragons flying up in the sky. He guessed from their colors they must be SeaWings, their blue and green scales glittering in the sunlight like emerald and lapis gems. It looked like they were flying from the Mud Kingdom to their watery kingdom, the Kingdom of the Sea in the north. "SeaWings," Gavin said. "We're not too far from the Sea Kingdom from here."
"What are they doing?" Grapefruit asks, his claws beginning to turn blue with curiosity. "I don't know. Seems suspicious," Gavin answered.

There was lots of sea fog when the dragonets approached the Mud Kingdom. The Sun was blocked by the dense fog, so it was very dim and barely anything could be seen a few feet in front of them. They all landed on the soggy ground, mud splattering onto their underbellies and claws from the landing. "Ew," Grapefruit says.
"Come on. We need to find some MudWing soldiers. They should be posted around here somewhere," Gavin says as he began to walk forward. "What information are we supposed to look for?" Jenny asked.
"Why the MudWings want Queen Glory dead. The sooner we find out, the sooner we can leave. I'm already hating this place."

Grapefruit suddenly turned so yellow it was like the Sun was in Gavin's eyes. "Oh my gosh! A crocodile!" Grapefruit yelled excitedly as he ran to a tiny pond. A large gray-brown crocodile's head was shown the dirty water of the pond. It blinked at the RainWing, before it submerged underwater, disappearing. "Aww," Grapefruit whined. "Come back, Crocy!"
"Yellow is a certainly a color a MudWing could see through the fog," Jenny pointed out. "Camouflage, you gigantic banana."
Grapefruit quickly turned light gray like the fog, even cleverly making his claws and the tip of his tail dark brown like the muddy ground beneath him. He was completely invisible.

"Stay quiet," Gavin ordered. "We cannot alert any MudWings."
The dragonets then went silent, though Grapefruit had random urges to gasp loudly when he saw crocodiles.
Jenny's head swiveled suddenly. She flicked her forked tongue. "Someone's coming," she whispered so low Gavin also missed what she said. Grapefruit's scales almost turned bright green like a lime, but he forced his scales to stay camouflaged. Gavin dropped to the ground, ignoring the mushy dirt. Jenny did the same, though she had a very disgusted look on her face.

Enormous claws were marching through the swamp, possibly going towards their direction.
Tramp. Squelch. Tramp. Squelch. Tramp. Squelch.
Gavin flicked his tongue, sensing the air around him. The MudWings were about two trees away, which was very close, but not close enough to see them clearly.

Gavin glanced at Jenny who looked miserable in the mud, though she was staying so still it looked like she wasn't even alive. Grapefruit was still out of sight, showing that his camouflage is working perfectly.
"I hate those SeaWings," a deep voice grumpled. "Those glowing stripes of theirs keep hurting my eyes. I feel like at some point I'm going to go blind if I look at one more SeaWing."
"They killed my sister," another voice said. "A SeaWing soldier harpooned her right in the throat right before the attack ended."

Gavin's ears twitched. SeaWings attacking the Mud Kingdom?
"Stupid SeaWings. They think that we're planning on attacking them again, just because of the ambush during the SandWing Succession. They need to calm down." Said the first voice. "But the RainWings are the biggest threat," the second voice added. "Their venom could kill us in seconds. Personally, they're the biggest threat to the MudWings because they can spit venom and their territory is so close to our's." Tramp-squelch-tramp-squelch-tramp-squelch.

"Queen Moorhen reported that we should kill Queen Glory. The RainWings would be unorganized and vulnerable without a leader. If Glory is alive.. Well, then that's the end for us. The more territory, the better." The second voice sounded uneasy at the end of his sentence.
"I wonder how Her Majesty knew that Queen Glory was going to kill her and steal out land." The first voice says. "I don't know, but. . ."
The voices then faded into the fog as the MudWings sloshed away.

The MudWings think Queen Glory is going to kill their queen for territory, and they're just fighting back. Luckily, Glory's trusty bodyguard Deathbringer has stopped each attempt in assassination of the queen, but he can't do it forever. Who told the MudWings that information? Gavin could think of one dragon who could do such thing.
Queen Andesine.

"Come on, we need to tell Queen Glory what we heard," Gavin whispered. Jenny nodded and lifted herself up. Gavin did the same and watched Grapefruit turn back to his normal colors. "Queen Glory would never do such a thing," Grapefruit hissed. "She would never kill anyone for territory. The Rainforest Kingdom is big enough for all the RainWings to thrive in peacefully!" Grapefruit's scales slowly began to change into red with anger. "Despicable!" Grapefruit yelled. Jenny lifted into the sky. "Lets go," Jenny says, already leaving the other two behind.

Wings of Fire: Holocaust of the Skies {FINISHED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon