Chapter 21

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There was a large celebration in the Rainforest Kingdom held for Jenny, Grapefruit, and Gavin. The RainWings celebrated Gavin's victory in killing the SkyWing queen. Lots of presents were giving to Gavin and Jenny, most of them were fruits and occasionally even a sloth. Though, Grapefruit was still gone. Cherry kept saying that he was dead, and she made a large bouquet of flowers dedicated to him.

The celebration lasted for the entire day and night. The afterparty at night was celebrated in the town of Possibilities, a large town on the Great Five-tail River, where the Sand Kingdom and the Sky Kingdom merged. In Possibility, a band of SandWings played music with drums and maracas, and the RainWings kept celebrating. The dragons danced and chatted, also eating from a long table was covered in fruits and meats and delicious dried lizard desserts. Even a few SkyWings were in Possibility, and they cheered for Gavin.

There was peace within each tribe, the Pyrrhia was normal again.

Gavin and Jenny ate roasted cow leg together, giggling and chuckling at each other. Once they were done, Gavin smiled. "I want to go back to the NightWing island," Gavin said as he opened his wings.
Jenny stopped licking the leftover meat off of the bone and looked up at Gavin. "Now that you mention it.. I do too. But what about the queen? What if she's still mad about what you did?" Jenny says. "I only want to see my mother. I miss her a lot. If the queen is still upset, I'll just live in the rainforest." Gavin said as he jumped into the sky with Jenny, flying to the NightWing island.


When the two NightWings made it to the island, the other night dragons was surprised. Some knew who Gavin was, and they clapped, saying "woo yoo!"
Gavin recognised one NightWing who was in his cave playing with tiny dragonets. It was Thetis, the the NightWing wasn't paying much attention to anything else. He was only focused on his own dragonets who climbed onto his head.
"Where's your home cave?" Jenny asked as she walked next to Gavin. "Over here," Gavin says, walking into a cave that was dark from the inside.

But, when he walked inside, there was no body in there. "Mom?" Gavin called as he looked through the cave. All of his stuff was still in there, even his mother's things were still in the cave. But Starflicker wasn't there. Gavin asked a neighbor where his mother is, and the old NightWing frowned. "When the MudWings attacked," the elder NightWing said. "Your mother tried to fight back, but she died from her wounds. I'm sorry for loss, Gavin. Starflicker will be missed."

Gavin felt his heart jump, and he froze. His mother was dead.
She was dead.

"Gavin..?" Jenny said slowly as she looked into his eyes. Tears ran down his cheeks as Gavin held his cries, and he inhaled sharply once he realized he was holding his breath. Special memories of his mother and him ran through his head, though, it brought a small smile to his face.

He wished he could see his mother for a little longer, but he knew that she was gone forever, and that caused him pain, but she was always in his heart, and maybe until they meet again.
Gavin and Jenny decided to fly back to the Rainforest Kingdom. Gavin didn't want to deal with the queen getting angry at him now that he knew that his mother is dead. He didn't want to get more stressed.

In the Rainforest Kingdom, Gavin and Jenny sat on the ground on the forest floor, calmly eating fruits together. "I guess I'll live here from now on," Gavin says as he gnawed on a banana. "It isn't too bad here."
Jenny plopped a grape into her mouth. "Yeah. It's pretty calm here, especially with the RainWings and all."
Gavin looked up at Jenny. Jenny looked up at Gavin, too, and their eyes met each other.
Her scales look so lovely.
Gavin opened his claws and levitated a red blossom to his talons. He gave the blossom to Jenny, smiling. "For you." He said.

Jenny covered her mouth to hide her shy smile, and she gladly took the gift from his claws. "Thank you.." Jenny said as she carefully set the flower behind her ear. "Beautiful," Gavin accidentally said out loud, and he clamped his snout shut. Jenny's wings fluttered open, and she giggled. Gavin awkwardly chuckled, and he looked down, digging his talon in the dirt with nervousness.

Jenny scooted closer to the NightWing, sitting so close to Gavin that their wings brushed against each other. "Jenny?" Gavin said softly. "Yes?" Jenny responded as she ate another grape. "I like you. A lot."
Gavin exhaled, not even realising he was holding his breath. Jenny was silent, looking completely surprised and shocked. Her eyes were like two full moons.

"Well," she said slowly. "To be honest, I like you too. A lot." Jenny smiled and intertwined her tail with his and she laid her head on his shoulder. "Do you like me because I fit the basic characteristics of a NightWing? All-wonderful and all-handsome?"

Jenny snorted, a small chuckle soon following it. "Shut up, you handsome sea slug."

Wings of Fire: Holocaust of the Skies {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now