Seize the Day

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"Well guys, I guess this is it," I said turning to my family. I smiled through the tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes.

"Oh baby, don't cry," My mom said coming over to give me a hug.

"I wish dad were here," I said, letting the tears flow freely now.

"He does too, Missy. He tried to convince his boss to let him come, but he's stuck in Tokyo for the launch of the product." my mom pulled away and looked at me while she said this.

"Flight for New York City will be departing in two hours," the automated voice of the over speaker came on, signaling me to say a last goodbye to my family. I launched myself into my mom's arms for one last hug.

"I love you!" I turned to the rest of my family. I grabbed my older sister Lacey and hugged her tight. "Don't forget to text me with sunflower details," I said, using our word for Lacey's budding relationship with her new boyfriend James. My sister laughed, pulled away and wiped her eyes.

"Okay," she said shakily smiled.

"Come here Missy," My best friend Lauryl said. They'd known each other for literally our entire lives. Our moms were roommates in the hospital and became best friends instantly. It was in our blood to be best friends. She wrapped me in a hug, and if I hadn't pulled away, I don't think she would've let me go. I pulled my little brother Bobby in for a hug. I was super close to him, and I couldn't believe he would be 10 when I got back if I got the part.  I removed my glasses to properly wipe my eyes.  I said goodbye one last time and turned to security.

"Missy," my brother's little voice reached my ears. I turned to him. "Seize the day." My hand flew to my mouth to stop the ugly crying I knew was about to happen and I almost fell to my knees. I couldn't do this. I had been waiting my entire life for this. I was so close; that made me compose myself. I forced my feet to walk to the gate. I didn't look back once, I couldn't. What I could do, is keep chanting my mantra: Newsies, Newsies, Newsies...... 

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