King (Queen) of New York

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Missy's POV
I unlocked the door to my room, dropped my bag on my floor, closed the door, walked the three steps to the bed, flopped onto it and fell asleep for 2 hours. When I woke up, I was drenched in sweat because I was still in my dance outfit, which included a warm up jacket and pants. I jumped in the shower, and sat in there a while running the audition through my head, over and over, critiquing things I could have done better or differently. I got out of the shower and watched tv while my hair dried. When the program ended I realized I wanted to go out. I was in New York City for goodness sake. I should go explore. I got dressed, grabbed my purse and headed out. I went into the first coffee shop I saw, and ordered a mocha. As I waited for my drink, it begin to rain. I wasn't worried, I was wearing a jacket and I liked the rain. The rain reminded me of the times my family and I sat and listened to the rhythm the rain made on the window.
"Sky," the barista yelled, interrupting my thoughts. A red headed young man walked up and got his drink, when he turned around I realized it was the boy who had danced with me at the audition. My name was called next, as I walked up, he exited the building. I hurriedly put my jacket and purse on, thanked the staff, and left as well. I wanted to find him to thank him. He had turned right so I ran after him. I tried to get his attention.
"Hey!" He turned around curious, when he saw it was me he hesitated, and then stopped.
"What's your name again?" I said a little out of breath, I was a dancer not a runner.
"Sky Flaherty," he said a little nervous.
"Well Sky, I wanted to say thank you for getting up and doing the last song with me, I don't think I would really have a chance to get the part if I hadn't been able to do it."
"Oh no, you would have had a good chance just from the first song you did, you were fantastic," he said this rather quickly, like he wasn't sure he could say it.
"Oh," I was a little surprised. "Well thank you," I said this and crossed the street. Halfway across I turned around and said
"I hope you get a part!"
"Me too!" He yelled back. I laughed.
I walked into the boutique a couple shops down, and was instantly mesmerized by the dresses. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a sucker for a good glittery dress. Even though I had nothing coming up, I spent a good 2.5 hours pretending I did. I even got an clerk to help me out. I came out with no dress, but lots of pictures of me wearing them. I walked around a little bit, then I saw a bookstore. I practically ran in. I have a burning passion for books, if I wasn't in show-biz, I'd be a writer or editor for sure. I have a secret talent for art, but my heart lies with theater and writing. When I went in I saw they had the new screenplay for The Crimes of Grindelwald (I don't actually know if JK Rowling is going to produce this or not but let's pretend she does😁). I grabbed it, ran to the little Starbucks, and settled down. I ordered yet another coffee and finished the book in almost 6 hours. When I finished it, I purchased it and three other books. I looked on my phone for a place to go to dinner, but nothing looked appetizing or cheap enough, so I went back to the hotel and ordered room service and read my new books.

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