The World Will Know

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Sky's POV

She was here, woah. I had never even dreamed this would happen. I had given up on it. But here she was, Missy Dowell, in front of me. And she was auditioning for the same show as me. I hoped now more than ever that I would get even a small part in this show.

She positioned herself in the middle of the mirror, set her feet in 1st position and awaited instructions. Kenny told her she would be beginning with a tap piece, the same one we had auditioned for. She ran and put her tap shoes on, then crossed the room to the middle again. The music began at the part where Katherine starts singing. She did amazing, even if I didn't think she was cute, I would still think she was perfect for the show. She sang with power and confidence, not one note was off key or flat. Her tap dancing was fantastic, and she executed the flexibility acts easily. Something told me that she as going places, maybe even farther than Broadway. When she finished she was only slightly out of breath. As Missy awaited further instructions, Kenny and the other auditioners wrote quickly on their papers and I hoped it was good.

"Okay Missy, that was good," Missy's facial features and body language didn't change at all, proof that she knew that that didn't mean anything. "Now we're going to have you do Watch What Happens, as you know its Katherines introductory song, so no pressure." Kenny smiled like he had made an extremely hilarious joke. Nobody laughed. She straightened her shoulders, smiled and nodded to signal the music player. She began again and once again killed it. A couple of the guys around me started whispering, I knew they were talking about how good she was. Her comedic timing was really good too, she used the right emotions at the right time, was just dramatic enough- this was Broadway- and even without props still managed to make me feel like she was in a publishing office. She hit the last note of the song flawlessly, and let her arms drop. she was a little more out of breath this time, maybe from nerves. I thought she was done with her audition until Kenny said:

"We want you to do the duet song of the show, Something to Believe In, you down for that?" She nodded. "Can we bring in our Jack?"

"Unfortunately sir, Corey is already gone for the day, and we don't have time to wait," one of the ladies at the table said.

"Okay, well do any of you guys know Jack Kelly's part in the song?" I did, I raised my hand. Later I realized it had raised of its own accord, I don't know why; I wasn't desperate for another chance to be up there.

"Okay, Sky was it? You'll do this with her." Everyone at the table looked relieved. I walked up to the center.

"Um, what part are we starting at?" I said.

"The beginning of the song," Kenny replied.

"Okay," she said.

The music started up and I went numb. All I can remember is flashes of light and colour. I'm not even sure I was on key. Crap. I think I did a good job though. They didn't make her kiss me, if she didn't get the part she wouldn't have that to regret.

"Alright, thank you Sky, you may join the others in packing up."
I went to the other side of the room and begun filling my bag again. I kept an ear cocked towards the conversation that Kenny and Missy were having while doing this.
"You were wonderful Missy, we'll definitely remember you," Kenny said this and her smile grew across her face and her beauty grew as well. I tried to suppress a smile. I slung my bag onto my shoulder, grabbed my water bottle and exited the building savoring the last hour and the delicious cool air outside.

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