This is What I've Been Waiting For

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  As I got on the train that would take me to NYC for my Newsies audition, it started to rain. I settled myself into my seat and waited for the journey to begin. The train started and I got out my headphones and listened to the Newsies soundtrack. Again. I really wanted this, I couldn't mess up, and one of the biggest ways to mess up was forgetting your line. I had to know every line. After an hour of travel, I was thirsty. I took my water bottle to the water fountain at the back of the train and filled it up. On my way back, a girl got up abruptly in front of me and we collided.

 "Oh, sorry," she said, her face reddening. 

"It's alright," I said trying to regain my composure. She hurried past, obviously avoiding eye contact. I sat back in my seat, decided I still had plenty of time to learn Once and For All, and started an audiobook. I got pretty into it, and I almost didn't make my stop. I stepped off and the train started again.

"Whoa!" I said. I had a 45-minute layover at the station. I grabbed a snack and checked in. I made my train with plenty of time. I was one of the first people on. I looked at my fellow passengers. Several were just getting on, a few were from my previous leg of the trip. Across the aisle and facing towards me, was a girl who looked scared, sad, and anxious all at the same time. was it the girl ran into earlier? She did have glasses, and I believed that's the same jacket she was wearing. Yes, that was the girl. She was looking out the window where it was still raining, and wow. She was beautiful. She looked incredibly nervous and scared, and yet the faraway look in her eyes made her features gentle and soft. I wondered what was making her so nervous.I plugged in my headphones and turned on the soundtrack. I watched her, but to me, it didn't feel stalkerish. she shifted and lifted a sketchbook.  'She's an artist' I thought to myself. that was interesting. I got a twinge of curiosity to see what was in it. it got to the point where I conducted a strategic plan, where I went to the bathroom, and when I walked down the aisle, I looked over her shoulder. She was amazing. the picture was of a family, probably hers. I guessed she had left them behind in Maryland. It was lifelike. I had so many questions, and I would never get to ask her them; I realized this with a pang and sobered up. I focused on the lyrics of Something to Believe In and settled in my seat for the three-hour journey I had in front of me. 

AN: I apologize for the super short chapter, sorry! =D

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