Life before i became a Thompson

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8 years back

Mommy mommy guess what!!!
"What is it this time Kira" my mom , Lucy Fernandez said
Well I got chosen to represent my team in the quiz that is happening on Friday so please please come and support me. "Well Kira you know I can't come and watch you , you of all people know how tight my schedule is" she said with her best sad tone. Well I can say I was used to it now.

I decided to just watch an animated movie by myself eating ice-cream. It was only my mom and I at home my sisters learnt  all the way New York. I stayed in  LA. My dad had left us for his co-worker , by then they stayed in LA with a 7 year old and 2 year old daughters. I often visited them buh you know how stepmoms can be.

I was awakened by familiar voices, my sisters. "Stacy, Amanda!!!, but how"I asked with joy. Well the fact that I had been sooo busy studying for the quiz, the thought of my sisters coming home for their summer break slipped my mind. We stayed up all night just chatting , you might think it's weird for someone who has a gap of 9 n 11 year gap to talk about deep stuff but with my sisters n i there was no such thing in our dictionary.

My sisters managed to come to the quiz and of course my team warm n we got a special summer award since this was our last year in 4th grade. My summer holiday wasn't quite the best cause it was the same routine, go to dads house see grandma n some other relatives. One thing that astonished me was my stepmoms behavior at first I thought it was all an act buh you know what they say , I actually donno what they say :-)😴.

I couldn't help but frown at the thought of attending my 5th grade with Ryan. He was one cocky guy for a small kid. Feeling himself , his gem , his school work not so much since i always beat him. He was always ten points behind me. The results were always like myself , Kaylee and Keith at a tie then Ryan then some other dum kids would follow.

First day of school , not that great buh the last day was a bomb woahhhhh.
Ryan was finally leaving since his parents got promoted at their workplace . I had never been so happy in my life . 7th grade came ya ya  ya stuff happened n I managed to pass my 8th grade interview. I had the same friends life was awesome , atleast that was what I showed but life at home , not so great. My dad had already married a third wife and had left the second one . They went doing so great. Even my mom felt sorry for Angela the second mom. I was used to spending the holiday with Angela and her two awesome kids Zoey n Tanya. No one liked my dad ever since he left Angela for this other lady who already had two kids. I often asked my dad to go n stay at Angela's house for the holiday buh he always said no.

For my 7th grade leavers dinner he refused to pay for it and my mom ended up paying for it. For Zoey he did the same buh ended up paying. He started being distant and he expected us to be the loving kids he never had. Non of us liked him cause all he was good at was shout at our mothers. I was no longer doing so well at school and my mom made is worse by comparing me with my siblings and not trying to understand what's really happening.

As time went on I started to get back on track with my studies with the help of my two best friends. There's a point when things got really tough to the extent that I had to run away. Lucky enough I met a couple with no kids and they decided to take me. Well my friend Keith introduced me. We all had to transfer to NY and that's how I have a different surname from my birth parents.

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