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I was engulfed by a pair of arms, closing and locking  the almost open door.
I made a ouff sound if that makes sense. He really had caught me by suprise.
He put carried me to the chair while i was on his shoulder. Nick can you stop this nonsense I have my own feet. Nah I'm fine with caring you besides your arse has grown bigger it's rather a better view .

He placed me softly like I was gonna break. Okay Nick I'm soooo fed u-. You'll be the manager of the clothing and jewelry line. Let's forget about what happened and just act in a professional manner. I was I little sad buh I couldn't be happier. Be here at 0800 sharp I don't like late people. With that I left.

0755 I was going up the elevator. Mrs green , the nice receptionist showed me were my office. It was bigger than I expected, a nice cozy darkish blue color to the walls, a couch and of cause a desk and a shelf for files and other sh^t. I put all the things in my own order. I finished everything just before Nick called everyone for a quick meeting.

Her words really pained me. I know I messed up but I didn't realize it till it was too late.
I hurt the girl I didn't realize was the love of my life. Some times I really hate my friends.

She went home after "the talk"
0755 she was here. I found myself smiling looking the the girl of my dreams. I passed through her office but she didn't notice me because she was busy setting up her office. I liked how she looked when she was serious, I kept on staring at her till one of my best friends Xavier called on my phone. I hadn't realized I was staring at her that much.

I called in for a quick meeting to introduce the new people who joined. I introduced all the three new members but my eyes kept on looking at KIRA . Well mainly I was just explaining the schedule and what we are focusing on this  year. We finished in like 15mins, I was hoping to catch Kira on her way out but she was already gone

After the meeting I was just chilling and I actually made two knew friends, Amy and Garry.
They seemed like really nice people , the type to always have your back and practically fun.

Hey dad, soo I found a new apartment and it's $750 per month. "Sweetheart I told you you can stay with us, my mom joined in". Mooooooooom I know you love me and all but I think it's time I do my own things ,like leaving on my own. It's not like I won't be coming back randomly. Anyways I'm only moving in next week

The whole night I listened to LOVE YOURSELF BY JUSTIN BIEBER
hadn't really thought about the interview day and I felt like now was right time.
I let it all out cuddling  Donald my teddy bear. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

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