Chapter 1

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***The first few chapters are maybe going a bit fast, but after chapter 7 I believe it will get a little better! Please comment and vote, thank you! Enjoy***

Chapter 1
They were standing there again. The same group of boys. Five or six guys, all wearing black, with a cigarette in their hands. Blossom felt dizzy for a moment and closed her eyes. If she could just forget all of it, act like it never had happened. It was already done anyway. Almost a week had past. It felt wrong that nobody knew, but it felt worse to tell anyone. Blossom turned right instead of left to avoid them, just like she always does nowadays. She hated them, every single one of them. As she walked further away she tried to think of something else. She thought of her sister, who was four months pregnant. She and her husband looked so perfect together. Almost every time she visited her sister together with her mother, her mother would always think out loud and say that Blossom should get aboyfriend as well, or insinuated it. She always made those comments, only because Blossom never had had a boyfriend. She was only eighteen. Apparently that was already too late for mother. Cherry, that is how Blossom always called her sister, got a boyfriend whenshe was fourteen and married him when she was twenty-two. Mrs Peace, her mother, got a boyfriend when she was fifteen and got married when she was twenty. According to her, that was the perfect age to fall in love. In this age you let your emotions- also known as hormones- lead you to a love that seems bigger and stronger than the world. Mrs. Peace was sure that in this period of time, love will be like a fairytale and that if you miss it, it'll never be the same. Blossom on the other hand couldn't comprehend her mother and hasn't been involved with love or boys at all. Blossom thought of the idea of having a boyfriend for a minute, if she would have followed her sister footsteps, she would have had a boyfriend for four years by now and in four years she would get married. Her thoughts scared her, there was no way that she could imagine herself in a relationship. Cherry and Strawberry, that is how they always called Cheryl's husband when he wasn't around, were just an exception, just like her mother and her father.
Blossom saw her house in the distant. The thought of her telling what she'd gone through came in her head again. She tried to think of the pros and cons. However, she could only think of cons. What would everyone gain of it? She couldn't change it and there was nothing she could do about it now. If everyone would know, what would they even think of her? Blossom breathed in and tried to control her sudden fear. It was true that she was afraid, she didn't trust anybody and walked quicker when she was outside, almost like running. Her becoming paranoiac was often a thought that had crossed her mind. She opened the door of her house and stepped inside. 'I'm home', she called. 'Blossom!' Her fathers voice came from upstairs, he was probably working. Blossom looked around. Her mother was probably still at work too. Everyone was working. Her homework was waiting for her as well, but she'd rather eat something first. She texted her sister
'Everything okay?' After a few minutes her sister replied.
It was nice that she could still be in touch with her sister. However,Blossom had to admit that with her sister's absence she didn't mind the attention nor the silence that came in return.
Cheryl asked if she could come by tomorrow.  'Sure.' Blossom replied.
Her mother didn't need to say anything to make clear she got home.
'Hey mom'
'Hello darling.' Mrs. Peace struggled to put her things away, when she finally won the battle she came in for a hug. 'Did you just get home?', Blossom nodded. 'How was your day?', Blossom asked. 'Fine, if we think away those nasty witches in my office, you know what it's like. How was yours?' Blossom laughed at her mom's words. 'Fine', she responded. 'Good. Don't start late with your homework'
'No, no.' Her mother walked away to put her jacket off. Blossom looked at her pile of homework. It was the last thing she wanted to do right now, but she had to. When she extremely didn't want to do her homework she always thought of other people who would die to get an education. Thinking that she had a chance that others didn't made her feel ungrateful. This was her last year, after this year she would go to university and things would hopefully get a little better. She always hoped that it would get better. However, There was a reason why she wasn't too excited for school. Last year the exams were atotal disaster. Now she had to do this year again because of that. No one had seen it coming, the entire year everything had seemed fine.Until that happened. She remembered seeing the expressions of her parents when they got the news. Her father just said: ''Well better luck next year.'' She wasn't sure how to feel about that. When her mother read the envelope she mumbled angrily: ''She doesn't have a boyfriend and now she doesn't have a future either. What was all of it for?'' Blossom just rolled her eyes and took the envelope back. It was a fact that she felt nervous this year for failing again. Everyone kept saying that that wouldn't happen, but one can only know for sure when it's over. Although she was nervous and would rather give up on everything already, she kept holding on to that tiny bit of hope that everything would be just fine. She was planning on giving this everything she got. This time it would be different. This year she would get that extra bit of luck her father talked about. Nothing was going to stop her from getting that certificate.
'Did you talk to your sister today?', her mother asked her.
'Yeah. Is it alright for me to go to her house tomorrow after school?'
'As long as you do your homework it's fine by me. You know, we should go shopping one of these days and buy some clothes for the baby. I'm sure she will need that. Now we know that it's going to be a girl itwon't be as hard anymore.'
'I think she would like that', Blossom answered happily. She couldn't wait to meet her future niece. 'We will set the date sometime', Blossom nodded. Her mother looked satisfied. 'Maybe if we're there we can buy you some things you like as well.' 'Thanks, mom', Blossom put the plate where her sandwich once had laid on, on the kitchen counter and lifted her pile of homework. 'I'm going to do my homework now'. She gave her mom a kiss on her cheek and then walked to her room upstairs. She sighed. It was harder for her to do homework these days, she didn't feel quite well. The stress was probably bottling up inside of her.

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