Chapter 7

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Waking up after such a rough night felt as if Blossom had just slept for just an hour. She had no idea how she was going to survive the rest of the day. Luckily she was glad that her parents hadn't suspect a thing. How was she supposed to even explain this to everyone? Blossom opened her dresser and saw the dress that Ida had borrowed her. It was all dirty and it had some spots which Blossom had no idea what kind of filth that was. She couldn't give it back to Ida in this condition. Before going to school Blossom decided she would leave it at the dry cleaner's. Hopefully they could perform a miracle and it would look brand new when she'd return. Blossom wondered how many people would know about Sargon's party, or better said, Sargon's catastrophe. Would it be better if she wouldn't go to school? She considered it, but she knew her parents wouldn't believe it if she said she was sick and she couldn't explain the real reason to them. She had to confront the consequences of her actions. What was the worst thing that could happen? Nobody knew the reason that he came, they couldn't just judge her on that little information, could they?
Apparently there were a lot more people present on Sargon's party than Blossom thought there were. It was as if the whole school looked at Blossom when she walked in. Whispering as she walked by or quickly moving aside, everyone knew that it was her fault. If she wouldn't feel as bad she could maybe enjoy the taste of a life as a celebrity, or as a monster, the difference wasn't that big. Blossom hadn't thought that it would be such a problem. She was prepared for something of course, but this many people was ridiculous. How could they even recognize her if she didn't know any of them? Blossom put her hands in her pockets and walked straight on, trying to ignore everyone. She never would have thought she would be the center of attention someday, even though it wasn't good attention. She even noticed it during class, all the seats around her were empty. However, although everyone was in a great shock because of her, she knew she wasn't alone. There was one person she could count on. Katie. The only problem was that she couldn't find her anywhere. During break, she decided to call her missing friend.
'Katie? Where are you? I've been looking everywhere for you'
'Are you at school?
'Yeah, where else?'
'I'm at home. I thought you would stay home too! Especially you who was in the middle of the drama, after everything that went wrong yesterday it would be hell to go'
Blossom closed her eyes. It looked like the person she could count on was smarter than her. Maybe she should have tried at least once to convince her parents. Blossom sighed. All these bad decisions tired her. It was a lot harder to confront everything and everyone alone. There was nothing more to say so Blossom said goodbye to Katie and hung up. Now it was time to have some lunch. To find somewhere peaceful to have lunch wasn't easy when everyone was starring at you and you didn't have any friends around. Blossom didn't even try to go and find the Jay Bae's , she knew that they wouldn't want her anywhere near them in these circumstances. It wasn't that bad though, she didn't want to sit with them anyway. She sat down at an empty table. It didn't matter to her. She was convinced that it would pass eventually. After the weekend everyone will have forgotten about it. That was what kept Blossom positive. She poked in her salad. It will all pass, it will all pass, it will all pass, it will all- 'Can I sit here?' Blossom looked up and saw Jay standing on the other side of the table. 'Sure' she responded with her mouth full. He sat down with his lunch in his hands and put it on the table. 'How are you doing?' he asked. Blossom was a little confused, he acted so normal but she was sure that he had noticed the huge gap between her and the rest of the school. He couldn't have missed it. 'Fine, but why...' Blossom wasn't sure if it was right for her to ask him or not. 'Why are you acting so calmly?'
'Because nothing is wrong' Jay took a bite of his food. Blossom looked at him without saying anything. Then she smiled. In the end, there was still one person she could count on. 'How are you doing after yesterday?' Blossom asked. 'Good I guess, the bump on my head is a bit smaller now' he smiled. He had a few other bruises on his face as well.
'I'm sorry for everything'
'Don't be, it's not your fault' Of course it was her fault, how could he say that it wasn't? 'I'll see you after school again, just like always, okay?' Blossom nodded. Jay was making clear that nothing had changed between them. It moved Blossom that he was acting this way. Honestly, she felt a little scared to be alone, she wasn't sure if he would strike again or not. Would he leave it like this? It was possible that he would feel even more threatened now that he knew about her secret. Blossom could only hope that he wouldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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