Chapter 1: Raccoon City (2006)

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They had escaped the threats of their chaotic neighbourhood but the danger didn't end there. "Jacob we have to go back for them! We can't just leave them to die" (Y/n) screamed reaching in the direction they had just come from as her brother was carrying her away from the city. "They told us to go (Y/n) , I'm sorry but it's what they wanted". Jacob put her down, holding on to her shoulders so that she would look at him, among the fires and debris that littered the streets.

Jacob gave his sister a hug, her green hoodie ruffling as he did. "You okay kiddo?" Jacob asked her. (Y/n) squeezed her eyes closed in response. Jacob ruffled his sister's (H/c) which seemed duller than usual.

"I'll be okay Jacob" She breathed ."Hey! You took dad's gun? " (Y/n) asked as her emotion changed, she noticed the gun's form in her brother's jean pocket.

"Just in case" Jacob rationa(Y/n)ed "Dad won't really need it anymore...." He trailed off. Leaving them to walk silently for a few minutes away from the city.

(Y/n) heard footsteps, and they were quickly approaching. She went to turn, trying to figure out the source of the footsteps, when her brother was ripped from her sight and thrown to the ground. (Y/n) burst into action as she went to run to her brother's aid, when she was stopped in her tracks by one of five men surrounding them. One man wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s chest incapacitating her.

"Let go of me!" (Y/n) yelled, punching the man and elbowing him. He grimaced against her attacks but wouldn't ease his grip.

"You little bitch!" He cursed and unsheathed a machete, holding it to her neck, nicking her neck slightly, convincing her to stop struggling. (Y/n) gritted her teeth, watching the scene unfold before her.

"The name's Ghost, Got any supplies kid? The world's ending and a man's gotta stock up" One of the men asked as he placed one steel-toed boot on her brother's chest, leaning forward to hear his answer and removing the gun Jacob had within his pocket, kicking it from his reach.

"No, I'm sorry we just escaped the city, we have nothing, nothing we can give you" Jacob stuttered though he was calm. He struggled underneath the man's weight, desperately trying to get out of this situation. "We're just kids, we just escaped hell, so why don't cut us a break?!" Jacob reasoned.

Ghost chuckled, ignoring Jacob's words. "Another waste of skin" he scoffed "Give me a reason not to kill you right now boy, give you a smidge of mercy?" the man threatened as he unsheathed a machete from his waist and let the tip of the blade rest at her brother's throat. (Y/n) was determined to break free.

"We're just trying to get out of here man, we really don't need thi-" Jacob began but was cut off by his sister.

"Why don't you just leave us alone?! We're just trying out get out of here. Go rob someone else you asshole!" (Y/n) spoke with venom practically dripping off her lips.

"This one's got a mouth eh?" He said twisting his torso to look at (Y/n) behind him, he snapped his fingers and two more of the men came to hold Jacob down. Ghost as about 6' 3 with short brown hair, he wore a green bulletproof vest and a camo shirt as well as pants. Ghost fiddled with the toothpick in his mouth as he made his way over to face (Y/n), he merely stood in front of her with his arms crossed. It would seem that he was inspecting her.

"Can I help you?" (Y/n) spat, clearly having no tolerance for this man.

Ghost out of nowhere, punched (Y/n) in the face. Her head followed through, as her skull rolled to the left. He chuckled, he was enjoying seeing both (Y/n) and Jacob suffer. She could feel the area on the right side of her face already begin to bruise. She heard Jacob yell out in protest trying to get them to leave her alone. She dared not cry, nor show weakness in front of this man, he was some asshole who wanted to take advantage of them. (Y/n) would not give in to his games. She spat the blood that had gathered in her mouth at Ghost's face. She smiled a wide grin as he reared back away from her, the red colour of her blood showing clearly on her teeth.

"Oh, you think you're funny do you?" Ghost asked with anger evident in his voice as he walked away from her to stand next to Jacob, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Her smiled faded, just as a sound pricked at (Y/n)'s ears, a low rumble as if a thunderstorm was on the way, but it didn't sound natural. Apparently she hadn't been the only one to hear this strange sound.

"Ghost, do you hear that?" The man holding (Y/n) asked.

"No, man, just relax. We'll be done here real soon and then we can leave you for the infected to take care of " Ghost sneered, gesturing towards Jacob as punched him in the chest, cracking one of his ribs. Jacob screamed in pain, as Ghost continued to laugh at the sight of the battered teenagers.

"Just give us what you have and we'll be on our way, you're making this harder than it needs to be" Ghost chuckled.

The sound increased in volume but they were accompanied by growls and.. barks? This made (Y/n) heart race, she didn't want to wait around to see what was making that sound, as it was headed right for them.

"Seriously Ghost, we need to go!" The man holding (Y/n) yelled as he shifted his weight anxiously from side to side.

"Jacob, I'm scared" (Y/n) exclaimed as she wriggled in the bandits arms, desperate to slip away.

"It's going to be okay (Y/n), we're going to be okay" He coughed, as he found it difficult to breathe.

That's when they came into view, an army of rotting and decaying Dobermen were running around, fighting each other and searching for.... more food. (Y/n)looked at the hoard as it approached, her mouth slightly gaping in horror. Ghost looked at where (Y/n) was staring, her body facing towards the blood soaked city, his body visibly tensed.

"Fuck this" He said as he grabbed his machete and dragged the blade across the thin layer of skin on Jacob's neck. The skin and muscles separating almost like a zipper as the blood began to spray.

"Thanks for luring the infected away kid!" Ghost said with a cackle."JACOB" (Y/n) kicked and screamed as she heard Jacob's gurgling and choking. Tears streamed steadily from her tear ducts. (Y/n) ripped herself free and slid down onto the asphalt next to her dying brother. The five men fled, not sparing her a single glance. (Y/n) looked up with fury in her eyes at the men who had taken all she had left away from her. She wanted to kill them, push them into the fires, watch them burn like the fury inside her. But Jacob was more important. She knew Jacob had lost too much blood, they had traveled too far for any help. Everything was too much. (Y/n) sobbed as she put pressure on her brother's wound, she wanted to give him hope, tell him that he was going to be okay, but they both knew it was out of the question. "G-gg-o-o" Jacob managed as he reached over and grabbed the gun he once bore, roughly placed it in her hand, while taking his other hand and gently rubbing his thumb across the now purple and blue bruise that had formed on his sister's face. (Y/n) felt the blood flowing beneath her palms, the dark red liquid dripping off her hands and staining her pale skin."Jacob, I'm not doing this without you, I just can't" (Y/n) cried as she took the gun from Jacob, placing it on the ground next to her and resting her head on her brother's chest in comfort. "I love you Jacob, Please don't leave me" (Y/n) pleaded, feeling the rising and falling of Jacob's chest slowly stop. She gasped.", no ,no ,no. Jacob, PLEASE!" She screamed and sobbed, slightly shaking his body.She had to leave, her time was running out if she wanted to get back into the city before she was screwed. (Y/n)'s expression hardened. She grabbed the gun, and turned towards the black mass that was Raccoon city to find a mob of zombie Dobermen heading straight for her. (Y/n) took one glance down at her brother and composed herself "I love you Jacob" she said as she wiped the tears from her face before sprinting in a diagonal manner towards the city, hoping that her speed and determination would be enough to get her back into the city.

(REWRITING) Resident Evil Fanfiction: Stranded (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now