Chapter Six: Reconcile

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Jill led the way once more, with Chris walking in single file behind the young girl. The plain hallways graced (Y/n)'s vision once more as they reached the central area of sorts. The teenager spared a glance at Chris behind her, he just smiled at her again and encouraged her to keep moving. Moving towards her answers. Sam's office had dark tinted glass and a wooden door that held a name tag on it. Jill knocked on the door and (Y/n) heard a quiet "come in" from the other side. Jill opened the door and gestured for (Y/n) to walk in as they filed in behind. Sam rose from his chair at his desk to greet them.

"Valentine, Redfield" He announced. "Please report your previous 24 hours" Sam said as he motioned for either Chris or Jill to speak.

Chris spoke first,"We touched down in the middle of Raccoon city like we planned and we tried to find the entrance to the Umbrella facility but it was heavily guarded even with all the comotion. The minute we tried to approach, we took fire and retreated into the alleys for cover. The soldiers went looking for us, we can only assume that they thinned out their troops to go searching, so we took the opportunity to try and get close. We took out the group of Umbrella soldiers but that's when we got a glimpse of a pack of Cerberus." Chris trailed off the sentence as if he didn't really want to talk about it anymore.

Jill continued, "We saw the pack so we bolted to the other side of the city hall to get out of their scent range. We took off and that's when we found (Y/n), she was being cornered by some Umbrella guards that weren't going to leave her alive. We're guessing that Umbrella was trying to cover up their mistake. No survivors. We were a little late but she's safe" Jill said with a smile.

Sam sat once more with a sigh. "No coordinates?" he asked hopefully.

"No sir" Chris said with disappointment.

"I don't mean to interrupt but it doesn't sound to me like you guys had very much time to actually look around. Why don't we go back and you guys can have a chance to find what you're looking for?" (Y/n) suggested.

"It's not a bad idea Captain" Jill encouraged.

"Okay, but wait until tomorrow. You're exhausted and I need you alert and rested if you're going back into a warzone. That will be all, you're dismissed" Sam said.

Jill and Chris went to leave the room, (Y/n) followed but she was stopped. "(L/N), may I have a word?" Sam asked.

(Y/n) smiled up at Chris and Jill before walking away from the door, letting them leave her. The girl felt slightly empowered, she didn't feel like she had to hide behind Jill or Chris anymore, she could show the Captain who she was.

"I'm sure you have some questions, seeing all that you have" Sam stated.

"Why am I here?" (Y/n) just had to ask.

"The Raccoon City incident left a mark on the country, it's quite the feat that you survived it. I'm sure Chris or Jill are impressed, It's quite probable they wanted you to join the BSAA, after all we need all the help we can get." He explained.

The teenager took a moment to let all of his words sink in.

"Why would Umbrella destroy a whole city?" (Y/n) asked another question.

"Umbrella isn't who nor what you think they are. They aren't some normal pharmaceutical company. They are the leading suppliers of viral weaponry, as I'm sure you noticed back in Raccoon city. They messed up, they're trying to pass off the attack as a nuclear reactor melt down to save their asses" Sam said.

(Y/n) was stunned. She simply swallowed her concern for the moment and decided to ask another question.

"What is my role here? I have nothing to offer" The girl said feeling suddenly rather useless and lonely without her brother Jacob.

"That is where you are wrong. Jill and Chris will train you but you have your own strengths that we need" Sam encouraged.

"Thank you sir" She smiled. " Does that mean I'm apart of the BSAA?" she asked.

"Welcome to the team (L/N), now get some food and some rest" the Captain congratulated and he shook the girl's hand. (Y/n) nodded with a smile on her face. She had a purpose again and it made her feel better than she could have ever asked for. She opened the door to find Chris waiting for her, he was leaning on the wall staring off into space.

"Hey..." (Y/n) greeted as she closed the Captain's door.

"Hey kiddo, how'd it go?" Chris said as he looked at (Y/n). She felt a wave for sadness wash over her for a second and it was apparent that Chris noticed it too. "Are you okay?" he asked suddenly worried.

"No.. I'm okay, it's just my brother used to call me kiddo" (Y/n) explained feeling rather embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I know you didn't mean anything by it.

"No I'm sorry, I didn't know" Chris said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, I have to accept the things I can't change, I just..... wish I could you know?" (Y/n) continued.

"But that doesn't mean you have to forget (Y/n), Jacob's memory along with your parents lives on in you, not all scars need to be covered up" Chris comforted.

(Y/n)'s eyes welled up in tears and she gave Chris a hug. "I just miss them so much" (Y/n) said through her cries.

"I know (Y/n), I know, he was and still is an important part of your life and grieving takes time, but Jill and I are here for you okay?" Chris said with a calming tone as he wiped the tears from the young girls eyes. "You've been through a lot, and we're proud of you for holding it together but also for letting go of your emotions (Y/n), we're not expecting you to get rid of your humanity. Let's get you something to eat and then you can head off to bed" Chris said with care in his voice, he motioned for (Y/n) to walk with him and the teenager agreed and walked down the corridor with Chris to the cafeteria.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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