Chapter Four: BSAA?

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The slight rumble of the helicopter had lulled (Y/n) to sleep, she slept restlessly with her body in the fetal position on the bench seats inside the aircraft. Jill remained next to (Y/n), with Chris sitting across from them. Silence filled the helicopter ever since the girl had fallen asleep, neither Chris nor Jill knowing what to say.

"What are you thinking Chris?" Jill spoke with fatigue evident in her voice.

"We'll take her to the Captain, she has nowhere to go. I'm thinking she could help us" Chris admitted.

"I understand what you mean Chris, but she's young and I'm sure she doesn't want to see anymore" Jill replied.

"I guess it's up to her, but we can't dismiss the possibility of having her help us. I think she'd be a good team member, especially one who know what we're dealing with" Chris continued.

Jill shrugged her shoulders "I'm sure she would be, but I don't think she's in a place to take on the world right now."

The conversation ended, as it was clear that both Jill and Chris were exhausted. The smoke from the burning cities below floated up in a thick cloud. It appeared that the cities were engulfed in shadows, nothing remained but those who would spread the darkness.

"Hey Redfield, we're here" The pilot voiced with a knock on the wall that separated the cockpit and the cabin. Chris merely nodded in response. The helicopter landed down rather gently on the rooftop. The landing of the helicopter shook (Y/n) from her brief slumber, she grumbled and stretched as she awoke. "It's morning already?" She whined with squinted eyes against the dull but bright day.

Chris knelt down to face (Y/n), "We're here, this is where you'll be safe" he informed as he got up once more to open the doors of the aircraft.

Jill came over to help (Y/n) to her feet, the young girl complied letting Jill lead her to wherever it was they were going.

The helicopter had landed on top of a rather bland, gray scale building that didn't have any defining features to it. The blades of the helicopter contributed to the already strong and brisk winds atop the building. The area looked unfamiliar to (Y/n) as she gazed at her surroundings, the city looked vacant, though she could expect that those creatures had made it to this city as well. The gray sky resisted the sunlight, leaving the atmosphere to reflect everyone's emotions. Dismay, confusion, even loneliness. They walked over to a door, located at the corner of the rooftop. Chris seemed to enter some sort of code, allowing them access inside. They descended the stairs and (Y/n) couldn't help but notice that the building was both bland on the inside and outside.

"What is it that you guys do exactly?" (Y/n) asked as he voice echoed through the large stairwell, as she looked around.

"On paper, We eliminate bio-terrorism threats" Jill replied, as they started to go down the staircase.

(Y/n) processed this information, "Bio-terrorism threats" She repeated to herself. She wanted to ask more, why they had to come here? Jill and Chris could have dropped her off at one of the camps she was sure existed outside of the populated areas, she would have managed on her own. Not she didn't appreciate everything they had done for her, there were just too many unknowns. (Y/n)'s heart began to race, which made her actually realize how stiff her shoulder had become. The situation had started to become overwhelming. The stairs finally stopped and the route continued into a long corridor.

"Are we underground?" (Y/n) asked once more, trying to alleviate the deafening sound of their footsteps on the concrete floor, as well as noticing the rather strong smell of antiseptic in the air.

"Yes we are, it just decrease the chances of our headquarters being breached by infected on the surface" Chris explained.

"And the smell?" the young girl asked, trying to get as much information on this place as possible. She was a person who liked to know what she was walking into.

"It's oxygen but it's filtered and sanitized and then vented in here. Like we said before, it keeps the infection out in case it evolves into an airborne virus" Jill answered.

(Y/n) stopped walking as she tried to make sense of everything she was being told, and waited for the two adults to notice. The both turned to her clearly confused as to why she had stopped.

"Okay. This is just too much" (Y/n) admitted, while placing her face in her hand to calm her nerves.

"We know it's a lot to take in, but everything will be explained to you once we get to the office" Chris assured, feeling Jill glaring at him knowing that what she had said earlier was true.

"But why me? Why doesn't it seem like anyone else is here?" (Y/n) began again, gesturing around her at the vacant area.

Chris just gestured to the end of the corridor and Jill seemed to stare sympathetically at (Y/n).

"Please (Y/n), we just want to get you somewhere safe and then you can ask us all the questions you want" Jill convinced.

(Y/n) sighed with visible exhaustion. "Okay, fine. You seem like nice people, but I don't trust easily and you caught me at a bad time back there and that's why I told you everything but when I say I trust you, don't make me regret it" the girl said with confidence.

Both Jill and Chris nodded at (Y/n), understanding what she meant and they continued down what seemed to be the last stretch of their adventure. There was another huge door that Jill this time entered a code into, she glanced over at (Y/n) and smiled at her.

"You're a brave girl (Y/n)" Jill complimented.

"I wasn't ever really thinking I would have to be, but thank you" (Y/n) returned the smile.

The door was dragged open by Chris and he let Jill lead (Y/n) into the agency and then the door was closed behind them and locked. The area had this light grey and brown colour with a light cream tile floor. It did look like an office, since it had a few desks in the main lobby but it was much larger than any office she'd ever seen. The corners of (Y/n)'s lips smiled slightly, this looked promising. Then the sound of footsteps were heard, the girl's heart raced slightly out of habit from recent events and a man appeared from a doorway.

"Ah, Redfield, Valentine, welcome back" the Man said. "And you are?" he asked the teenager.

"(Y/N) (L/N), and you are" She introduced as she held her hand out for a handshake.

"Sam Burnley, I'm the Captain of BSAA operations at this time" he explained and shook (Y/n)'s hand.

"If you don't mind me asking, What does BSAA mean?" (Y/n) asked.

"It means, Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance" Jill explained as she walked up to stand next to the girl. "This is what we do".

(REWRITING) Resident Evil Fanfiction: Stranded (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now