Chapter 2: Shudder

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Those dogs were faster than she had thought. (Y/n)'s lungs protested as she pushed her limits. She was not a long distance runner but the adrenaline pushed her further. Rain had begun to tickle her skin, sparing a glance behind her only to realize that it was a big mistake. She had 3 decaying Doberman chasing after her and she had the gun tight in her hand. She could see an alley, one that she could use to find a hiding place, since there was no way she'd outrun them forever. She twisted her torso, taking one shot at a dog on her left. She missed by a wide shot. Unfortunately, she had only shot a gun three times, with the supervision of both her brother and her father. She threw herself into the confined space of the alley, watching the dogs rearrange themselves in single file to fit through the narrow passage. (Y/n) slammed through the first door she could find and thank god it was unlocked. She slammed the door shut and threw whatever she could in front of the entrance to brace it against the already strong and relentless attack from the dogs trying to catch her. She ran threw the trashed apartment and found another door, she flew out of the dark hallway and into different section in the network of alleyways. She rushed and scurried to the ground, whipping her gun out and aiming it at the open door she had sprinted out of. Her arms visibly shaking, since she was terrified. Her breath shuddered as she waited for those infected dogs to come barreling through the door. After a few minutes of unsettling silence, her body relaxed and she sprawled out on the wet and cold asphalt. trying to get her bearings back together. She wasn't finding her way back home by lying around. (Y/n) cautiously assessed her surroundings before continuing on her way. She needed to get some supplies and where better than her own home? But she was lost, she has never been on this side of the city before. She could still hear the dogs, the click of their nails on the asphalt and the crackling of fires filled the air. Once she was "safe" which really meant safer than she had been probably an hour ago, she let all her emotions go, she was trying to be brave but bravery was Jacob's thing. Tears cascading down her cheeks as she cautiously scurried through the rainy dark passages. (Y/n) still shakily held the gun her brother had given her. Her dad's 40 caliber Glock Model 22 pistol upright and ready to fire. She leaned her back up against the corner of an alley network, this was a game of cat and mouse with these infected bastards and she couldn't be too careful. (Y/n) spared a quick glance past her wall of protection and spotted a group of zombies and the exact group of dogs that had been chasing her before, feeding on what seemed to be some dead soldiers. Soldiers? This peaked (Y/n)'s interest, this meant that she could find help, there was no way she'd survive on her own with no supplies, since she had no idea where she was let alone even begin to plan a route her house. Her goal was getting out of the city uninjured maybe even with people she could rely on, if there was anyone left. She sighed, trying her best to suppress the sound. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire rang out and (Y/n) instinctively ducked, trying to find the direction of the noise. She sprinted to the other corner of the 4 way alleyway as she heard the sound of..... Normal heavy footsteps. This was either good or really bad. She put her hand over her mouth, trying to be silent as to not get caught by whoever was lurking around here. Maybe she could go a different direction? She went to turn around, when a bullet hit the corner of the brick building she had been standing at. (Y/n) braced her fall as she fell away from, she squinted her eyes as the brick dust clouded the air.

" Come out now" A voice said.

(Y/n) didn't move, she was trying to catch her breath.

"Come out now, and we'll think about not shooting you" The voice demanded.

She just stepped out in the middle of the alley junction, to see three soldiers with their guns ready. They were hard to make out among the dark atmosphere of the evening, though the ever present fires illuminated their forms. They bore the Umbrella logo, (Y/n) got really nervous.

"Excuse me, I need hel-" . (Y/n) was in mid sentence as she approached them when one of the three men spoke.

"Stop right there" they said in a demanding manner. (Y/n) reluctantly complied, as she realized their guns hadn't lowered and they were aimed at her.

"I don't mean any harm, I just need some help getting out of the-" (Y/n) was interrupted once more by the same man from the squad of soldiers.

"Shut the fuck up and put your hands where I can see them" he spat as he got the other men to keep their sights trained on her.

(Y/n) glared at the man, she placed the gun in the pocket of her hoodie and did what she was told. There was no way for her to get out of this, she remained silent.

"Sir, we found one" The leader mumbled into a walky-talky it seemed. The response was too quiet to hear, (Y/n) could only wait and think about a means of escape.

"There's a girl here, she's about 14, she's alive" The soldier continued. Minutes passed by and she was still standing with her arms up, this was getting rather tiring.

".......Yes sir" the leader finished as he put his device back in its former place. He looked like he was exchanging real bullets for these strange see-through ones. The soldier cocked his M16, and aimed it at (Y/n).

"Fuck" (Y/n) thought to herself, she needed to run. She lowered her shaky hands and wide eyes. One of the men fired as (Y/n) turned to run and she took a bullet in the back of her right shoulder, forcing her forward and face first into the asphalt. She grimaced as she began to bite her lip in response to the immense pain. She dared not move, every breath felt like the bullet was burying itself deeper and deeper into the muscle. (Y/n) heard multiple gunshots afterwards though they sounded like echos. (Y/n) didn't feel anymore gunshots hit her. (Y/n) treated her arm like it was broken and didn't use it as she stumbled to her feet. Her vision was slightly fuzzy and every ray of light seemed to blind her. She managed to turn around the face the men who had fired at her, and found them Dead, face first on the ground with crimson blood pooling around their... Gunshot wounds?

(REWRITING) Resident Evil Fanfiction: Stranded (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now