Chapter Five: Complex

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"How long have you guys been here?" (Y/n) asked, now feeling more comfortable that she was finally getting somewhere.

"Just over 3 years now" Sam replied.

"Even if I lived here, I would never have thought that there'd be a government agency here" the young girl remarked as she continued to look around.

"That's kinda the idea, we don't really need Umbrella finding our headquarters" Chris laughed.

"Ya actually I have some questions about Umbrella" (Y/n) said suddenly really tense as she recalled the dull pain in her shoulder.

"Why don't we get some clean bandages for your wound and then we can all talk?" Jill offered.

"That sounds good" (Y/n) agreed with an involuntary sigh.

"We'll talk soon I'm sure, It was nice to meet you, please excuse me" Sam said to (Y/n) and she smiled at him. "Oh and Redfield, Valentine there will be a debriefing in 15 minutes" He ordered and then returned from where he had come from originally.

"I'm going to unload our gear, I'll meet you at the debriefing" Chris informed Jill and walked into one of the many hallways around them.

Jill began to walk and (Y/n) followed her through a different hallway.

"It's not so confusing once you get used to it" Jill laughed.

"Ya, I'm sure" (Y/n) replied, seemingly distracted.

"You know, I know you don't know me very well but I want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need anything" The woman comforted.

"Thanks.." (Y/n) said solemnly.

There was a small room with a large Red cross on it, Jill opened the door and (Y/n) walked in and took the liberty of sitting down on a chair. (Y/n) slowly pulled her arm out of her hoodie, followed by the rest of her body. Goosebumps started to form on her pale skin, seeing as she was wearing a t-shirt, no longer the warm comfort of her sweater. Jill put on some latex gloves and began to take off the used bandages. (Y/n) closed her eyes and breathed, trying not to let out the scream that sat in her throat. Jill peeled off the remaining gauze and revealed the entry wound. It was purple and blue, with a slightly green hue. The skin had healed over most of the hole and it was covered in dry blood.

"O.... kay" Jill said, sounding strange.

"What? What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked, feeling slightly panicked.

"No, it's fine.." Jill trailed off once more, as she continued to inspect (Y/n)'s wound.

"Jill!" (Y/n) shouted, to get her attention.

"Okay, okay. I have to take the bullet out" Jill replied.

"I thought you said it was fine!" (Y/n) shouted once more, jerking her shoulder away from Jill's grip.

"Well it was fine, now it's infected" The woman observed, once again poking and prodding at (Y/n)'s aching shoulder.

(Y/n) cussed under her breath, she never had had any major wounds, so she never had to go through the nerve wracking experience of having surgery.

"I'm going to put some freezing on your shoulder and then I'll cut it out, Okay?" Jill explained.

"Okay" (Y/n) replied. (Y/n) then squeezed her eyes closed, in an attempt to calm her nerves. She felt a cold liquid on her skin, before a tingling sensation radiated off of her shoulder.

(REWRITING) Resident Evil Fanfiction: Stranded (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now