Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV

"Come on Xabier." Esper said as she passed through a broken wired fence.

"Just leave me here sis... I'm just holding you back." (M/n) mumbled quietly.

"Shut up (m/n). I'm not leaving you here to die alright." Esper said.

Esper took off her bag and pulled out a wire. She quickly tied up the fence before placing back on her bag and walking up the steep rubble. Esper ran up the hill and stabbed a biter right in the head. Xabier barker, catching Esper's attention. She turned to see her dog at a door. Esper quickly ran up to the door. She turned the knob and took a step back, ready to attack any walkers. Nothing was there. They walked in, closing the door behind her. (M/n) groaned, clutching more onto Xabier.

"Just hold on (m/n). Xabi and I are going to find you a safe place in here. Then we'll get your wound healed and bring down that awful fever of yours." Esper assured touching her younger brothers head and lightly brushing his hair away.

(M/n) gave a soft smile and hurried his face deeper into Xabier's pelt. They continued to walk around. Along the way Esper noticed arrows up on the wall. She pointed her flashlight at the walls and decided to follow them.

"I wonder who made these." Esper said to herself quietly.

The arrows finally stopped at a door.

Esper's POV

"Wait here." I told Xabier. "And keep (m/n) safe."

Xabier panted and wagged his tail, making me smile a little. I took off my bag and lauded it on the floor next to Xabier. My knife in my hand and my gun in the other. I walked in to the room after opening the door. All I could see was an empty room. I sighed and walked around. I clicked my tongue and kicked a table.

"Damn it. There aren't any of them biters." I groaned.

I sat in a chair and sighed. I took out my gun and started to check my ammo. Suddenly, I heard  keys jingle and a door from the far end open.

"Get up and turn around slowly." A male said.

I stood up and turned around, facing them.

"Who are you and how'd you get in?" They asked.

I took a deep breath in before exhaling. The man's features were of an asians. Behind him walked out a kid, old man, and a two females.

"Wow. You look like your in a pretty bad shape. Must have gone through a beating lately huh?" I questioned the Asian.

"Shut up and answer the question." He growled.

I smiled and sat on the table.

"Make me." I said.

He was about to pull the trigger, but didn't.

"You can't can you? Your such a wimp. If you want to protect you area then do it with more pride and shoot." I said walking towards them.

I grabbed his gun and placed it at my heart.

"Go on. Shoot." I dared.

Instead of shooting me he punched me in the face. I punched him right back before I stumbled back. I caught my balance then touched my nose.

"Damn. You dislodged my nose." I hissed.

I grabbed my nose and cracked it back in place. I stared back at the asian and smiled. One of the woman, who was African-american, drew her sword and pointed it at me. Blade up against my neck. Just before she could do it, the door flew open and stumbled in my little brother. Everyones attention was on him.

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