Chapter 2

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(M/n)'s POV

"So... We cleared out most of the back area and closed up the openings to get in." I affirmed.

"Just you two?" Glenn asked.

"Three." Esper corrected.

He looked confused.

"Xabier helped out." I cleared up.

"Pretty helpful." Glenn said.

"Yep... Now all that's left is the front." Esper said.

"For now, you guys should rest. You've done more than enough help for the day." Carol said.

"It was no problem." I assured.

"Alright. I'm going to make a run to the nearest place to pack up on supplies." Esper said as she grabbed our bag.

"Supplies on what?" Glenn asked.

"Food, water, ammo, batteries. You know, all the survival stuff." Esper listed.

"Why? We've got it all here." Maggie said.

"For us." She said.

"Just use our resources." Carol said.

"Really? You sure about that?" I asked. "I mean it won't do us any harm to go find the nearest place to get food for ourselves."

"It's fine." Glenn said.

"Well I still have to go. Ires needs some more parts and Xabier needs his food, so we'll still need to go." Esper explained.

"Ires?" Glenn questioned.

Esper pulled out a small machine that was the size of her hand from her bag.

"This is Ires." Esper said.

"A machine?" Maggie asked.

"Yep. She's and Esper are trying to find a cure to it and Ires helps out a lot." I explained.

"Hey Ires. Greet them." Esper said.

The machine lit up and appeared a hologram of an AI.

"Greetings. I am Ires. Pleasure to meet you all. I hope Esper hasn't done anything to harm you." Ires said.

"Ires." Esper hissed.

I chuckled, but the others were surprised.

"She has her own personality?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah. Built her when I was a kid and programed her a personality. Her original body is in our old house, but without enough electricity or wifi, I can't really finish her up. I remember hooking her up and testing her body like it was yesterday." Esper said close to tears.

"Please don't cry Esper. This wasn't your fault." Ires said.

"I know... So hows the test run? Found anything yet?" Esper asked Ires.

"Nothing yet. Still running our tests." Ires said.

"You keep working on that, while I go out." Esper said. "I'll go with Xabier, so I'll be back later." Esper said.

Xabier followed Esper in pursuit. They walked outside and closed the door.

"What's she testing?" Glenn asked me.

"She's testing... Zombies. Trying to find a cure." I answered.

"Oh... Are you sure she can find one. I mean isn't it pretty useless?" Glenn asked.

"Knowing that crazy bitch, it might be possible." Merl said from the back.

Esper's POV

"Eat up well Xabi cause were gonna have to go soon." I told him.

Xabier barked and went back to finishing his deer. I decided to go on and eat a bag of fruit snacks. Earlier I had remembered seeing Andrea enter the building in from of us. Someone else followed. I decided to go inside and go see what all the gun shots were about. Just before I was about to go inside I took a step back and noticed her inside, climbing up the stairs. I took a running start and began to climb the building. I then crashed through the window and looked around. Andrea ran at me but I pinned her to the ground.

"Listen. I won't harm you. Just calm down." I whispered.

Andrea stopped struggling.

"Where are you going to?" I asked her.

"The prison. I want to help." She said.

"I can take you back if you want." I said.

"Really?" She questioned.

"Yep. Just need Xavier to finish up eating the we can go back on to the road. Let's get out of here first." I said.

"Alright." She answered.

I helped her up and lead her out of the building quickly. I whistled for Xavier and he bounded over, bloody lips and everything.

"Time to go back." I told him.

Xabier panted and waited for us to get on. Andrea was hesitant  at first, but got on as well.

"Hold on tight. Xabier goes pretty fast." I told her.

Xabier stopped here and there, but we had finally made it to the prison. Xabier ran off ahead while Andrea and I walked side by side.

"Sorry we couldn't go all the way. Xabier's pretty strong, but on a full stomach, he can only go so far." I said with a chuckle.

"It's alright." Andrea said.

I noticed the prison and began to walk faster with Andrea, only be pushed down. I tried to shake them off, but it was no use. 

"I wasn't expecting another girl." The man panted.

I pushed him away and lowered my eyelids at him.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"None of your concern pretty." He said. "Do you know her?"

"Not really. Just met her today." I answered truthfully.

Andrea tried to say something, but he kept his hand over her mouth.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"She said she wanted to come here because it was urgent. I decided to help her like the good person I am." I answered.

Andrea looked frightened, but I didn't care. I turned away from her and looked at the man.

"Is she bad?" I asked him.

He gave me a good hard stare before nodding.

"She is. A criminal convict who hurt our town. Killed some of our people, lying to them." He said.

"Oh my g- I didn't know. You look badly injured. Did she do this to you?" I questioned.

"Yes." He answered.

Andrea's eye lids closed, as if she passed out. I stood up and sighed.

"Need help taking this conflict back to your place?" I asked.

"Why would you help?" He questioned.

I fake blushed and smiled a little.

"To do a good deed, stop a killer, and... maybe help out a rather handsome man." I lied.

He stood up and towered over me. His hand up to my cheek.

"Why that would be helpful my lady. What should I call you?" He questioned.

"Esper... And you?" I asked.

"They call me governor there." He answered.

"Glad to meet you Esper." Governor said.

"Nice to meet you too kind sir." I said.

I helped pick up Andrea and carried her to his truck, which wasn't far off.

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