Chapter 6

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(M/n)'s POV

I ran fast, not turning back. All I could hear was my heavy panting as I continued to run aimlessly to no where. This place had been foreign to me, and my things had been left back somewhere else.


A shot that just barely grazed my ear. I ran faster until I saw somewhere safe. I quickly ran up a tree, grabbing a branch and pulling myself up, till I finally got to the top. I ran on a branches, jumping from one to another till I finally stopped and climbed up the current tree I was on. I sat at the top and let out a sigh of relief as I hid myself in the tree's. I sat down on the branch I was standing on and sighed once more. Down below I could hear the sound of the leaves crunching by multiple men.

"Damn it. We lost him again." One of them cursed.

"We'll get the hounds to track him, but for now lets go back." Another said.

I held my hand over my mouth, ready to puke. Just hearing them speaking grossed me out. I heard the leaves crunch, signaling that they had walked away. I waited for a few minutes before hunching over and puking. I sat back up and wiped my mouth.

"Puking on an empty stomach is not ok." I groaned.

Slowly, I climbed down tree and landed on the ground safely. I looked both ways before walking off to basically no where. I didn't know the place so I couldn't really go anywhere except for a deserted home, but even then they could have found me. I had to get far and fast. I used every ounce of my strength to run to anywhere far from that area. I stumbled a few times and tripped as well, but I had finally got to a town. It looked like it was quiet, only a few walkers here and there. I ran across the road and to a house. Opening the door, I quietly walked in, trying to find the kitchen. Once I did I looked through the drawers. Luckily I had found a butcher knife. I the climbed the cabinets to check for any food that I could eat.

Narrator's POV

"Five bag of nuts, unoppened wiped cream, crackers, and a couple granola bar, plus three bottles of unopened water. Well... beggars can't be choosers." (M/n) said to himself.

He first began to eat the bag of nuts before drinking his water. (M/n) then walked upstairs, deciding it was best to venture the place of any biters. Once he was up the first flight, he searched each room, finding nothing on it. (M/n) then went up the second and final flight, checking every room, till finding only a couple of canned beans, a rifle with a box of ammo all in one room. In another room there was a switchblade that had tools inside, plus a knife. He pocketed if in my pants just in case. (M/n) looked through the drawers and found some clothes that I could wear. He put on a conferable pair of jeans, put a belt on it since it was over sized, and put on a shirt, tossing off his old bloodied tattered one.

"Well if it isn't my lucky day." (M/n) said to myself.

The young male walked back downstairs and threw all the things he found onto the couch. He then walked around the floor he was standing on and found a shoe closet. Inside were three backpacks and shoes. He took a bag and emptied it out. After that he slipped on some tennis shoes that fit him nicely. He walked to the couch and stuffed the food in the bag, grabbing a spoon in the kitchen, then walking out of the house.

"Should get out further in the place." (M/n) said as he walked down the dirt road.

(M/n) took out his water and took a little sip, before placing it back in his bag. The (h/c)ete let out a sigh as he continued to walk aimlessly through the streets.

---Short Time Skip---

(M/n)'s POV

I jabbed my knife into a walkers head, pushing it deeply into it. I pulled out with a struggle and stumbled back, falling on my rump. I noticed a map that pointed had a huge star, saying Terminus on it.

"Sanctuary for those who survive." I read on the banner.

I looked up at the sky then back at the banner. I began to laugh and detoured away from the place.

"There's no such things as a safe place." I chuckled.

I continued to walk, remembering the time I had been there. I was lucky enough to escape them.


Apologies that this was a short chapter.

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