Chapter 8

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(M/n)'s POV

I shot up wards, hyperventilating. The sound of gun shots rang through my ears. I looked around the room, seeing white. Next to me was a monitor. I pulled out the cords in my arm and got off the bed. My hair felt lighter, not covering my face at all. It felt weird, but I didn't care at the moment. I grabbed the scissors on the table, opened the door, and looked around cautiously. Further down the hall was people. They looked sick and were wearing hospital gowns. I looked down to see that I was wearing the same thing. As I walked down the hallway I stumbled a little, using the wall to keep steady. Just as I turned the corner I noticed police men and one man about to leave in the back. I grabbed a person and dragged them to the floor, holding the scissors to their throat.

"What's going on here? Why am I here? How'd I get here? I want answers now or else this old man is dead." I threatened.

Everyone turned and faced me.

"(M/n)?" Someone questioned.

I looked up to see a ragged man.

"You are?" I questioned.

"It's me. Rick." The man said, pointing his thumb to chest.

I let go of the old man and dropped the scissors in my hand. Standing up I walked closer.

"It is you... You've changed so much." I said surprised.

"Come with us." He said holding out his hand as if I was a child.

"Us?" I asked.

"The rest of the group is outside." Rick said.

I walked over to him, hesitantly. He nudged me slightly to go out the door. I walked through and looked down the stairs. The door behind us closed and Rick began to go down the stairs. It was quiet until I broke it.

"How's Carl and Judith?" I asked, slowly walking down the stairs.

"They're all right... I'm sure Carol'd be happy to see you." He said.

I noticed how glum he sounded.

"Did someone die?" I questioned.

There was a short silence.

"Today we lost someone... Remember Beth?" He asked looking at me.

I looked down and nodded.

"I'm sorry." I said.

It was on impulse. I don't know why, but it was. We stopped at the bottom and Rick stopped me.

"I have three questions before you walk out these doors." Rick said.

I looked at him before giving him a small gentle nod.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked.

"To many to count." I answered.

"How many people have you killed?" He questioned.

"Nine. Danny, John, Tyler, Aden, Koby, Kody, Ethan, Gerald, and Nancy." I listed.


"The men I listed raped..... and harassed me. Nancy beat me, forced me to do things I didn't want to. She was what she said herself, jealous, while I was disgusted. I let three survive... mostly because they didn't come till I was running out of the house I was in." I explained.

Rick was quiet.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Rick said.

"I'm just glad they're dead." I said rubbing my arm.

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