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"Why are you acting so frantic?" Hoseok asked from the couch. I ran around the house cleaning and making sure everything looked perfect. "Is someone coming over?" I nodded picking up the bag of chips Hoseok just dropped on the floor.

Taehyung and I hadn't talked after the janitors closet. We weren't ignoring each other but whenever our eyes met my face reddened and I looked away. What had happened in that closet? Ugh what is wrong with me!?

"Jin-Hyung told me what happened." Hoseok said grabbing my attention.

"W-what exactly did he tell you?" I asked nervously.

"That he caught you and a boy named t...Taehyung I think in the janitors closet. And apparently you weren't in there to get cleaning supplies." Hoseok's lips curved into a smile while he said the last part.

"Hoseok don't get the wrong idea! We were just talking!" I tried to explain.

"Talking about what?" He asked protectively.

"Well....Taehyung...." I couldn't explain.

"You like this boy don't you? Your face turns pink when you mention him." Hoseok questioned me.

"I-" I was about to answer when the doorbell rang. A rush of anxiety ran over me, He was here. Before I could open the door Hoseok stepped in front of me.

"What are you-" Hoseok opened the door before I could ask. I looked over Hoseok's shoulder to see Taehyung, even though he was wearing the same thing from school...he looked..hotter. What am I thinking?!

"Your Taehyung?" Hoseok asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm here to see Jimin." Taehyung said...he sounded...nervous? I peered over Hoseok's shoulder again.

"Yeah, I know. Before you go in let me give you a warning." Oh no. "Jiminie is my cousin, my best friend, I will do anything to protect him. So if you hurt him I swear-" I cut Hoseok off before her could threaten him further.

"Hoseok! We are just going to study!" I said pushing past him. Taehyung's face lit up when he saw me, I'm pretty sure I looked the same.

"Jimin-" Taehyung started, I grabbed his hand and walked quickly past Hoseok, leading Taehyung upstairs. I opened the door to my room and closed it behind us.

"Sorry, I just had to get us away from Hoseok. Last time I had someone over he scared them away with his threats." I explained, I looked at Taehyung's face which was slightly pink. I was confused until I saw him looking at our hands. Crap, I was still holding his hand. I quickly let go and took a step into my room. "Sorry!" I apologized.

(Taehyung's POV)

"I-it's Okay." I replied flustered. Last time we were together we had done more than holding hands. We had almost kissed- For some reason I was really nervous around him, I wasn't before.

"I have the notes from science class." Jimin said turning his back to me, he walked toward the desk in his room. I sat on his bed. I watched as he got papers from his desk, admiring his figure. I knew I wasn't supposed to do that....but he didn't have to know.

I admired the way he walked, his hips moving slightly. How the T-shirt He was wearing was loose fitting yet fit him so perfectly. His jeans hugged his legs, his thighs so amazingly shaped. His ass- I felt my face reddening, why am I think about him like this. I turned away from him to look at the floor. I could still picture him in my head...he was perfect.

(Jimin's POV)

I looked through my desk looking for the notes. I was really nervous him being in my room. I had tried not to stare at him while talking. Everything about him was beautiful. His hair, his face, his body. His hand had been so warm and fit so well in mine. Focus Jimin! I tried to think clearly but it was hard.

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