Nightmares and flashbacks

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(Jimin POV)

I changed into my pajamas, yawning loudly. My warm oversized T-shirt and sweatpants made it harder not to fall asleep mid change. Taehyung was already in bed, his face turned away from me, already asleep. I turned off the last light in the room and got in my bed, ready to fall asleep as well.

"Goodnight Jimin." His voice surprised me a bit.

"Goodnight Tae." I yawned, snuggling into the blankets.

(10 minuets later)

"Pssstt." I heard a whisper. I burrowed deeper into the blankets, wanting quiet. "Psst are you awake?" Taehyung whispered.

"Now I am." I groaned, I looked over to see Taehyung looking at me.

"I can't sleep." His pout still noticeable in the dark.

"It's been 10 minuets!" I whisper yelled, wanting nothing more than to sleep.

"Can we play a game?"

"It's 2 am."

"I'm not tired."

"Well I am." I replied, rolling over. Taehyung sighed, I ignored him and tried to go back to sleep. I slowly felt my eyes grow heavier and my breathing slow.

"You could have prevented everything!" A voice screamed at me. I tried to move, but my hands were stuck. I looked down to see myself tied to a chair, I struggled against it but it only tightened. I heard the click of shoes nearing me.

A woman came into sight, a beautiful, weak, kind looking woman. But her eyes weren't kind....they were angry, or maybe disappointed.

"Why didn't you help me Jimin?" She asked nearing me. My heart ached as I tried to breathe.

"I tried to Mom! You wouldn't come with me. I tried to get you to leave him! You wanted to stay!" I cried.

"You could have done more. If you had tried a little harder, I might still be alive!" She yelled at me. Her hand cupped my cheek, my tears wetting her hand. "You could have prevented it." She whispered, my mother walked away as I cried and begged her to come back.

Suddenly my surroundings changed, I was still tied...but to a bed this time. I felt something touch my leg, moving up slowly.

"Your a slut!" A voice laughed, Jungkook's face was above mine.

"Let me go." I spat, my breathing becoming harsher. He continued to touch me. As much as I screamed and cried it only escalated. Until he was thrusting inside of me, his hand wrapped around my neck.

"You could have stopped it if you fought a little harder." He laughed, I felt something trickle down my legs...blood? His thrusts were so painful I couldn't even think. I wanted to scream from agony but I couldn't breathe.

"You could have prevented this." Jungkook repeated. Just like she had said.

"You could have Jimin."


"Jimin!" I gasped sitting up suddenly. Taehyung sat on the bed next to me, looking extremely worried. My shirt collar was drenched in sweat. Had it all been a nightmare? It felt so real. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asked.

I took ragged breaths. The nightmares...they had been so real..

I started crying. Not soft cries, ugly loud cries. Taehyung wrapped his arms around me, letting me soak his shoulder.

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