Cheater!Jumin Han

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No Surprise.

Warning(s): Suicide, sex


Honestly, you weren't shocked anymore to come home to hear moans coming from your bedroom you shared with Jumin. You were used to it.

You knew he was cheating on you, but you couldn't leave him... You just couldn't. Most people leave a cheater, but you? You were too weak to leave. You loved Jumin.

So whenever that person he was cheating on you with left, you just hugged Jumin and told him to not stress. Yes, he was stressed. What helped his stress? Sex.

Who did he get tired of? You.

But you needed him. Not for his money or anything, you just hoped every night he would return to his normal way and everything would be fine again. But no, it never happened.

You slumped onto the couch. He was home earlier before you were, how come he was home early? You sigh and roll off the couch, hissing in pain when your forehead hit the floor.

Suddenly, everything stopped. The noises finished and not a couple minutes later you saw a woman walking to the door, Jumin's arm wrapped about her waist.

The girl noticed you and giggled, "Ewww. Why's she here?" She asks the male, and he just looks at you with a heartbreaking smirk. "She's just a pig, don't worry."

You slowly stood as Jumin kissed the woman, then she left the house with a giggle. Jumin then looked at you emotionlessly. "(Y/N), tell me. Why do you... Stay with me?"

Smiling bitterly, you looked up at him. "Jumin, I'll talk to you later when we eat dinner, okay? I'll do the laundry and then cook dinner for us." And with that, you left him.

A couple moments later, you and Jumin were now sitting across from each other in the dining room. You looked up at Jumin lovingly, and you knew he was aching for your answer.

"I stay with you because I love you."

"I don't."

"I know."

You look down and laughed lifelessly. "But... Why don't you kick me out? You can do that anytime you want to. Hell, I'll even tell the RFA we just broke up and they won't kill you."

"Because you're my backup toy. I come to you if I need you to finish my work and I have another woman to relieve my stress."

"But this isn't fair, love." You tear up. You always kept your feelings inside. "I thought you were used to this treatment? It has been a year ever since I  did this and you're breaking down now?"

You clench your firsts as you drop your fork onto your plate. "I'm sorry. I should've done this sooner." You wipe your tears away and the two of you finish dinner.

You loved Jumin so much, until death tears you apart from him.

"(Y/N)!" Jumin screamed. The RFA ran to the bathroom of the party and they were.. Shocked. You... Were on the floor, a bloody dent on the wall, and blood flowing out your head.

"Someone call an ambulance! Hurry!" Zen screamed, and Jaehee did. Everyone was panicking. You were losing so much blood.

"Who could've done this?!" Yoosung's eyes widened in terror. Seven checked and clicked his tongue. "No one killed her guys... (Y/N)... Killed herself."

Jumin clenched his fists. Why? Why'd you do this? He thought of the way he treated you. God dammit, he treated you that bad. "N-No... Please (Y/N), I'll make it up to you... I swear..."

"Sorry for your loss." The doctors gritted their teeth, disgusted at themselves for not saving such a beautiful girl. The whole RFA's eyes widened. No way. This can't be happening. She's dead?!

Jumin couldn't take it anymore. His emotions got the best of him. He screamed and busted out crying, grabbing his hair. "This is all my fault! She's dead because of me!"

Everyone turned and stared at Jumin. "Jumin... What do you mean...?" Zen said shakily. He sighed in disbelief. "I... Cheated on her for a year... I kept doing it and doing it and she knew...

And she committed suicide because of me..." Everyone's jaw dropped. The pain was so intense that he cried more. "I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." Now everyone hated the dark haired man. That was no surprise. No surprise at all...

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