Class pt.2

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   Cole comes to the back of the class and sits right next to me. I bury my head into my arms on my desk. "Pay attention.", Cole whispers. I can feel him smirking 2 feet away. "You haven't known me long enough.", I say.

   Mrs. Dominic walks into the classroom and starts taking role call.










   "Here.", I mumble. This is how class goes. I'm the slacker in the back of the class. I don't raise my hand, and the teachers don't call on me.

   "Cole Rylin?"

   "Here. I'm new.", Cole says. I knew it. Perfect teachers pet. 

   "Oh, well then. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Why must every teacher do this with new students? It didn't work in kindergarten, why would it work in 8th? "Sure.", Cole says, and walks up to the front of the room.

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